
If something like this happend to my kid, I’d be tossing lawsuits at Carly, the chaperones, and the school that allowed it to happen so fast their heads would spin.

Can’t properly express my rage right now. This is what I really hate about this anti-choice nonsense (aside from the obvious). These same twits will argue for abstinence only sex ed and claim that little Timmy isn't old enough to know that gay people exist, but sure - abortion is a totally appropriate topic in which

I agree. I am hoping these parents take the campaign to the cleaners. The school probably deserves to get sued too. You just cannot be allowing random people to photograph the children in your care without parental consent. It is mind-boggling to me. A major WTF.

I fucking hope so! I would be APOPLECTIC with blind fury if my kid was part of this.

Those fucking teachers are in a shit load of trouble.

Please tell me this is not a long haired child sitting behind this fella, and is in fact a GLORIOUS baby mullet.

I would be furious if my kid was one of those preschoolers. That as absolutely a dialogue that belongs between a parent and their child, or a person and their health care provider.

Yup, if this was my kiddo I would be on every news outlet that would have me, reading this bitch to filth. Demanding a public apology. Jesus fucking christ, this is literally awful.

New reports have said that drone operators face enormous levels of stress, guilt, and trauma as a result of their jobs. People who witness their friends — and even their supposed enemies — killed or hurt in the line of battle can be and are still affected.

I think a case can be made that being a member of the Palin family is cause enough for PTSD

Was he even in combat? Close to it? To have PTSD, you’d have to be somewhat close to the action, right? I wish this article told us if he was indeed close to action.

You know, maybe your son is.... I dunno..... an asshole?

Chiming in on the camera question. I’m a student nurse and have done rotations in various departments. The network I am under has cameras in every room on certain floors. I have not been in ER yet, but regardless of HIPPA, I know I’ve had patients on camera. They broadcast at the nurses’ station and if a patient is

Points for you! While there maybe a lot of people rushing around, there may not be a lot of people in any one cubby at any time.

Years ago, I read a true crime book about a doctor in a small Western town that was mostly Mormon. The doctor was not. He molested women and girls for years and years, in his office, with their families right out in the waiting room.

Seriously. Many of them even choose the professions they do to make sure they are in a position of power/beyond reproach. Doctors, police officers, teachers/coaches, etc. There are countless cases of people in those professions who have done horrible things but it didn’t come out until years later. Nobody believed

I’m going to guess that the risk of getting caught is pretty high on the list of motivators for behavior like this so saying he’d never do it because he’d know he was likely to get caught doesn’t really hold water.

They could have jumped straight to a DNA test. Any significant amount of DNA from the doctor on this woman, her bedding or her gown (and preferably all 3) would be evidence of inappropriate contact.

“It is difficult to keep track of the location of patients, so docs and nurses frequently barge into the wrong room/ curtained off area looking for the wrong person”

These apologists is why victims of abuse don’t come forward. Just because someone has had years of training at a medical school, seminary or law school doesn’t preclude them from being molesters or deviants preying on the vulnerable.