
I am super proud that anyone would refer to SEPTA as clean... especially given that this particular car has been doused with blood, lady juices, baby juices, and feces.

he's updating facebook constantly

God's work; it's what you're doing.

rosie o'donnell was sitting right next to rosie perez in the clip....

or that America is only white and no one else votes..

Jose Canseco, definitely.

In the "old days" getting the scoop meant you sold more papers. Selling more papers normally meant a bonus for the person who had said scoop. It's actually still important today, on the internet because the first link that goes out tends to be the most widely shared link and hits and ad revenue and blah blah blah.

Why do young girls like such feminine looking young dudes? I mean, whatever I know I did when I was a teenager but now that I'm in my 30s I'm like "oh what a cute baby d*ke." I mean I'm sure he'll grow up into a hot man but he looks like a girl to me now.

Good trolling, Boys... Damn good trolling!

What about Karen Gillan's horrible accent?

no..? what's wrong with you

sup philly!!! Five Below doesn't really have a lot of clothes... some 5 dollar yoga pants and ironic tshirts.. but that's it

I propose that Joe Madden henceforth be referred to as "North Side Jesus" at least until he gets fired at the All Star Break.

you missed the opportunity to say "Duck you, autocorrect"

Third: hold your camera the right way !


I agree with you. You're using the word boycott correctly, but I don't think, colloquially, people get that it's more than just not buying shit....which is what I thought you were trying to say. So if you mean a real political action true sense of the word boycott... yeah that'll work

I've actually been trying to boycott as much as I could around the NFL since they tried to fuck over older brain dead players. It's really fucking difficult. Yesterday I was thirsty (actually thirsty not whatever sicko meanings you kids put to it nowadays) and the only diet soda available at the bodega had a

So is there anyway to use this situation to further the case for getting their 501c6 status revoked? because that'd be pretty lulzy