I love seeing GG gifs outside of Jezzie
I love seeing GG gifs outside of Jezzie
like seriously. Do people really think that all pro choice women are that because they haven't experienced being pregnant??
softball doesn't deserve to be targeted, but it's not right that girls who want to play baseball are shoved into softball when they get older. It's not the same sport. In a perfect world, girls and young women would be able to play baseball in school and have it not negatively affect softball teams. I know that…
It's something about little league I don't think they pitch the whole game or whatever.. I dunno I only pay attention during LLWS time.. Though I'll pay more attention now that this team is in it (and plays down the street from me)
GM has SUCH a weird relationship with thinking it's AN OMG IMPORTANT ORGANIZATION FOR WHISTLEBLOWERS TO TURN TO. Even after Kinja and burner accounts, it's still trolly clickbait and making fun of celebrities (even Jez.) This shit ain't wikileaks.
"It's ok I have a black friend" that *is* pretty funny. Don't sell your trolling short!
That's God's work you're doing
nonprofit doesn't mean what you think it means.
You don't have to confront necessarily, just "don't speak to me that way" not even a please. In my experience most people say "sorry" or nothing at all. The few people who have tried to engage me in a conversation about it, I've just kept walking. Getting called "stuck up bitch" is the worst that has happened. …
I think when you move away from the East Coast it's kind of a shock to learn not every other white person is "half irish / half italian" too and people can't pronounce your name and call put ketchup with oregano on macaroni. WTF?
Barney did get a girl preggers in the end and of course it CHANGED HIS LIFE (another trope)
dude latinos are big into the smiths... especially chicanos for some reason...
yeah... I dunno. all my best friends are bar friends hahaha
no. you're wrong. I missed him too, but it got a total overhaul when Stabler left and it's fucking awesome. REAL CHARACTER STORYLINES AND EVERYTHING you need to start watching from the beginning of that first season he left and watch in order haha
I didn't get my taxes taken out from my last bout of unemployment benefits because I was long term unemployed and the sequester was already taking 10% of the pittance. I am now on a payment plan to pay back the $1500 I owe in taxes because I don't have it to drop at once. You know, because I'm struggling to put my…