Chris Samson

Gary Seven and his trusty sidekick Isis?

Right. If you watch it as an alien invasion film it's certainly not perfect, but I actually think it makes more sense.

The Molecular Man?

He's even got the "final miniboss" or "boss before the boss" fight where he has to get past Lundgren.

There's a borderline exhaustion quality to Lundgren when he appears late in that movie. It makes him a lot scarier because you get the sense that he just genuinely doesn't have anything to lose. He's just going to do what he wants. He's too resigned to worry about consequences.

I think in Commando there's a quick reference to him growing up in West Germany.

It's a mish-mash of other genre movie bits into a steampunk retelling of this story. There's an exchange that's almost straight out of A Fistful of Dollars, and it ends with two airships battling in—for all intents and purposes—the Mutara Nebula. I was entertained.

It's a weird example of a movie that overall doesn't hold up, but when my friends and I make a joke or reference we'll laugh and then just start remembering all of these other parts that were funny too. It's the kind of movie where you sort of want to say "it's not worth the time," but when you actually start talking

Halloween Havoc 1995, I think. I love that look because it's the pure exhaustion—like you said—and it's the sign of a guy who's been really trying his harest to be a professional, do his job, and express how serious the angle is . . . and they're just ignoring him. They're giving him an attitude, and he just is so

Luckily the Green Mountain Boys came to his rescue.

I know. I remember reading it and being equally stunned that it was mentioned in the same breath as Mick Foley's book and that it came out almost directly on the heels of Have A Nice Day. Those two books are just night and day in terms of quality.

I think there was some vague talk of retirement on the horizon, but that doesn't mean much in pro wrestling . . . and I may have my time line screwed up too.

Yeah but he had a great deal of experience in two pretty notable federations prior to this peak. Then you add in stuff like the Nigeria tour and the man has some stories to tell.

Last Temptation of Christ is awesome.

Coriolanus is fantastic. At its core it's a fairly high-concept pitch too. Never understood why that one doesn't get more love.

I wouldn't say it's the pinnacke, but I am always amazed that SG-1 doesn't get more love. It's got everything a sci-fi fan could ask for.

That's a perfect example of a movie that doesn't do anything mindblowingly well, but doesn't really have a poorly-executed aspect at all. I'd never call it one of my favorite movies, but I just have a blast watching it every time.

I've never played this before, but it sounds really interesting. Is it best just to get the starter deck and go from there? Do any of the expansions fix anything that could be problematic with just the starter deck?

Honestly thought that was Gates McFadden.

I can't take anything away from Calvin and Hobbes, but Bloom County is easily my favorite strip of all time too. There's no other strip that I've encountered where every strip is just so on-point. Bloom County is funny, imaginative, insightful, and heartwarming. What amazes me too about the "funny" is it's all