Chris Samson

I still maintain they missed a great opportunity when they didn't call it "Blade II: Even Blader".

My father has said this—word for word—on more than one occasion. Good company, Moist.


Sam Tyler from (U.K.) Life on Mars. He was tough but sensitive. He had an empathetic streak in him, but he wasn't afraid to let people know in no uncertain terms what he thought of them. He stood by his friends. He never stopped going after what he wanted, but he always made allowances for other opinions. He


I actually like him and Adam Green in Holliston, but they wear their influences on their sleeves. They have their ideas, but I never get the impression that they are interested in really pushing their genres or the influences to new levels or unusual directions. I'm sure Lynch is a decent guy, but I don't really

James Cameron would have made a trilogy out of Pacific Rim's opening six minutes.