This whole situation is her fault? How convenient for so many people who might also have been held responsible.
This whole situation is her fault? How convenient for so many people who might also have been held responsible.
“fuck you, I got mine"
Manchin is a Democrat? TIL!
Slightly off topic: who are the 40% of Americans who oppose a living wage? What’s that, 80 million adults?
It was a bridge too far for this bill. Sorry, but it was too much to try and push through. I agree we need the increase, etc, but now is not the time.
They care zero about republican voters. They do care that business will be furious if the minimum wage goes up. It’s a democratic bill and they know they can tell their patsys some lies about it being communist or pro choice or something and get them to forget the republicans kept them in poverty...again.
The House has already passed that legislation. The President wants it. We have the votes in the Senate. Yet, an unelected staffer in the Senate decides that 30 million people cannot get that wage increase?
Aren’t you the optimist? GenX will never have the power. We have never been the slackers. We just put our heads down and took care of things and said, “fuck all y’all” b/c honestly, what was the point of arguing? Right now, what X’er has time for power? Most of us have Boomer parents who, while they couldn’t have been…
Gen X will inherit little of it I think. It will remain the invisible generation
Right?! Also, we’re a very small generation compared to Boomers and Millennials, so how, exactly, were we supposed to fix everything?!
“This has always been a method of pushback from the powerful who think that equality means owning all of the pie”
I think the reason we haven’t evolved the discussion since the early 90s is that Gen-X hasn’t actually been handed the reins of power yet. To use presidential generations as a Proxy of the age of leadership at all levels:
Clinton - 92 - Boomer
Bush - 2000 - Boomer
Obama - 2008 - (young) Boomer
Trump - 2016 - Boomer
Biden -…
Let me tell what political correctness was during this time for most of us: it was language policing gone overboard, and I can give you some examples. (Note: these terms may not have been invented in the 90s, but it was in the 90s that their usage become mainstream.)
It’s not fucking because of Generation X’s failures. It’s because their successes!
Their success led to more progress. They moved the line and now the Millennials and Zoomers have moved it farther resulting in an identical backlash.
Gen-Xers are FINALLY chipping away at the stranglehold that Boomers have had
“Let’s reflect on how everything the anti-woke brigade says now was already said by galactic piece of shit Camille Paglia back in the 90's” could be a really interesting article. “Let’s reflect on how a bunch of shit said by Camille Paglia, who was born in 1947, proves that Gen X was anti-PC” is one of the weirdest…
I find it laughable that Gen X was supposed to solve the world’s problem when we’re also called the forgotten generation, the middle child, the latchkey generation raising ourselves while both parents worked. No one paid attention to us and still don’t.
Yeah, I couldn’t really follow the article. There doesn’t seem to be any coherent argument to it other than racism and sexism existed in the past, and because they still exist today, Gen X failed because of some cited articles apparently written by Boomers about Gen X?
Oh fuck off.
The failure of Gen-X in the 90's. GTFOH.
Who has been in power for the entirety of that time and is just now started to every so slightly lose some of that power? Fucking Boomers.
True Gen-Xers have always been about inclusion and societal fairness. The “whatever” generational label had nothing to do with…
So, “Gen X” is, by your own writing, tangential to the battles over political correctness. And Coupland’s description of it is, by your description of it, wrong and incomplete. Yet Coupland’s blindspots are then attributed to the Generation as a whole, and then those blindspots are linked to the failure of political…