
Unfriend. They’re lost. Maybe they’ll find their way back but they are no longer our problem in that specific regard (in many others they are a HUGE problem.)

You really should just get rid of Facebook. I visit about once a month to see what my friends and relatives are up to and every time it’s instant regret. It was supposed to be a good way to connect with people you don’t get to see as often as you like but over the years it has become a giant breeding ground for QAnon i

Yes! You’d think Cruz, Hawley, Rubio and any other hubristic knucklehead with dreams of being POTUS would be quite happy to eliminate trump as a potential opponent in ‘24. But no one can figure out how to placate and corral the rabid lumpen base they all helped to create. Cruz, for example, is smart enough to

My sister has three kids, and every time I talk to her it reinforces my decision to not have them. My nieces and nephew are great, and she loves them and her life, but MAN, it is not for me.

We got a puppy 18 months ago.   He is going to be in for a rough, separation anxiety type time, if/when my wife ever has an office again.

Unsurprising. Like me and my spouse, I imagine many people are thinking the same thing - “Thank **** we dont have kids right now!”

I was very much leaning child-free by choice, before the pandemic started, but it’s definitely cemented my decision as being the right one for me. I couldn’t imagine working, being stressed about the chaos in the world, and having to raise a kid.  The pandemic and political chaos, was so stressful, and that really

He’ll paint a picture of a dog, and all will be forgotten and forgiven.

I’m amazed they’re having any difficulty at all, TBH.  Give it a few months until organizations figure that everyone’s collective memory spans have forgotten about all of this, and they’ll be hired.  Even with Forbes saying to companies: “if you hire anyone from this administration, we’ll figure everything you say is

Call me a cynic, but I fully expect these assholes to all land on their feet eventually, because the world is unfair and annoyingly kind to mediocre white people.

“A lot of YouTube journalists have just lost one hell of a lot of credibility,”

I would feel bad for these people, but

Dude, no one cares. No one! Bye! Bye! Hit the bricks. You will not be missed. Go to ign, they welcome a fellow complainer. Go full HAM bout SJWs and PC police and to keep politics outta your video’ll get like 20 thumbs up from fellow people talking bout censorship. You’ll get many a virtual back rub from

Are you seriously demanding that people not talk about politics when the game has COLD WAR in the title?!?!? C’mon, dude. At some point, it’s on YOU to not read something if it triggers you too much...

It’s a statement that has morphed with the times.

You can’t make a game that lionizes an American president and say it isn’t political.

It truly is an abhorrent series. And I can’t even stomach those interviews with the game directors who say, “We’re not trying to be political” with a straight face.

How lucky you were to not be in Nicaragua!

you are insanely dumb

From the word go, Call of Duty was always the slightly creepier, more jingoistic take on ‘historic’ AAA shooters. Early on, it was likely just a way to distinguish itself from Medal of Honor’s more Spielbergian approach to identical subject matter. But as time’s gone on and Call of Duty delved into more contemporary