That’s a best case scenario — I can avoid and ignore all of that shit. Unlike now where he’s plastered pretty much every-goddamn-place I look.
That’s a best case scenario — I can avoid and ignore all of that shit. Unlike now where he’s plastered pretty much every-goddamn-place I look.
Yup — those fuckers are already paranoid and armed to the teeth — this shit’s gonna send them right over the edge.
Yeah — I’m more or less indifferent to whatever dipshit comment Trump says anymore. He’s simply the result of living his entire life as television celebrity — never once had to hear the word “no” or that he’s ever been wrong thanks to surrounding himself with sycophants.
what? she’s just the female version of eric and li’l donnie?
Exactly — one was kinda boring to read (ya know, like how a trained medical doctor would write a report) and the other was flat-out hysterical.
Yup — LOL at anyone who thinks for a second that this will shut up the alt-right shitbags. They’ve put way too much time and effort into memes about Clinton’s health to start all over on some new bullshit conspiracy theory.
doesn’t exercise
I have a strict “no commenting on gawker (RIP)“ rule while at work, but I made sure to remember when I got home to log on and tell you that “Dr Medical Doctor Jill Stein, M.D.” made me literally LOL at my desk when I read it.
I’m in my late 30s, exercise regularly, primarily vegetarian diet, etc. — if I so much as look at a piece of KFC, my digestive system wages all out war against me. Add in daily cross country flights, spending a few hours a day screaming himself hoarse, some uppers, some downers, being 70 years old, then seemingly…
I’m starting to think Donald has such an issue with bowel movements — from his wife to his political rivals and now even infants — because the man hasn’t had a healthy, satisfying shit since the Reagan era. I picture him straining away for hours a day on his gold-plated toilet, only to produce one bloody rabbit-pellet…
Benefit of the doubt, at the absolute best, I’d guess — considering most of his supporters are well into their Golden Years — maybe they WERE “Hard-Working” years and years ago before they retired.
I realized after the fact that they probably wouldn’t even know what a dictionary was. Bad kinja. Sorry, everyone.
Fuck yes. This is the Leader of the Goddamn Free World, and according to 538, this clown is hovering around a ~35% chance of winning this shit. Unreal...
You — SHUT UP with your math and statistical probabilities! There’s still a lot of daylight between now and Nov. 8, and the media needs to keep this shit a sounding like a horserace, otherwise they’re going to have to do their jobs and start calling out Donny on his geyser of bullshit.
The sad thing is is I think most people with a functioning brain and who follows this coverage even sporadically realizes this, and it is so fucking annoying.
What a twist that would be — Mexico, after all Trump’s blather, winds up making America great again.
As an FSU Alumni, I admit that I had my usual “ we go again...” reaction when I saw Florida State trending all over social media yesterday. It’s nice to be surprised once in a while.