Shit — the fucking vote is TOMORROW??? I’ve got a fuckton of articles and videos I need to catch up on on Facebook that I apparently “definitely need to watch!!!” before I vote!
Thank you! I’ve been saying for a while that this has been by far the loudest, most obnoxious “Silent Majority” I’ve ever seen.
Brian McCann is literally sprinting towards Toronto right now — NOT ON HIS WATCH!
Mike Huckabee: America’s Awful Father-in-Law
Had to wait until I got home to say this, but you are by far my favorite commenter of late — partly because you’re actually shutting down most of these asinine, ridiculously played-out troll arguments with patient, well thought-out and well-written retorts to the point they have to resort to the equivalent of “NUH UH…
Yes, hell sadly isn’t real, but take comfort in the idea that the oblivion that awaits them will be a kind of hell unto itself, considering they’re fully expecting to live in white folks Disneyland in the clouds where they get to pal around with vengeful liberal-hatin’ Superman when they die.
I’m pretty sure that cast pic is exactly what the bottom of the barrel looks like, so yeah, we’re almost done probably/hopefully.
+1 Butterfly in the sky
Nightmarish animal cruelty aside — fuck anyone who supports this trade with their dollars — fur coats just seem comically silly to me. Personally, there's no way I could convince myself to walk out the door wearing one of these monstrosities without feeling like I look like a new-moneyed, Chewbacca cosplaying, dipshit…
Only three 'Back to the Future' listicles, BuzzFeed? Get it together!
Shut it down. This won.
I like how his skull catches up to his face a few seconds later.
When reached for comment, Satan responded, "Still??? Come on, people. There's actual, real-life evil that you can see and point to, and I'M the one who still catching all the blame? Me? A made up character who doesn't even show up in the Bible? Goddamn — and I really mean that too!"
I'm usually one of those people who defend the show here, but fucking hell last night's episode was abysmal. That skit you mention was embarrassing to watch.
Now this — THIS is how you troll!
Seriously, how much fucking longer do we need to cram this boring, dated song into an already boring, dated sport? (and I love baseball, but I'll be the first to admit it's a slow-ass game)
Re: that scene you posted from Insidious — not sure if this is common knowledge, but that little dancing kid at the end makes a cameo :34 mark — he's facing the wall like he's hiding. Someone pointed that out to me a while ago, and that type of shit freaks me out.