Thanks for the reply. I'll get back to you in about a month once I've managed to read this dissertation.
Thanks for the reply. I'll get back to you in about a month once I've managed to read this dissertation.
I know this is Jezebel and calling people out on their looks is a huge no-no, but she literally looks like a different person every time I see her. Does she get work done on a weekly basis or something? I'm starting to think this is a Saddam Hussein thing where there's just an army of (not-very-good) Lil' Kim doubles…
Please don't hope that. Only because in this day and age it's a very real possibility and there are more than enough mouth-breathers out there who would actually support those two to the point that we'd have another dangerously close election.
Literally the first thing I thought after seeing this this morning (well, second thing after "What in the fucking fuck?") was, "Well. I guess it's just a matter of time until Bravo/MTV/TLC call her up for a reality show. Or at the very least, a segment that humanizes her on Fox & Friends."
I used to work with a professional photographer who also had a gig taking pics for (I wanna say) Topps. He said hockey players were the nicest/easiest guys to work with, and by far baseball players were the worst, across the board. I even tried to qualify that statement by asking "Well, what about — ?" and before I…
I love baseball, I love the tradition and even the unwritten rules, I agree that Gomez was well in the wrong (c'mon, son, you've been in the league long enough to know you were just being an asshole!), but as far as McCann feeling the need to play Dad on Fernandez, that was uncalled for. Dude's a kid, was having a…
McCann was unavailable for comment, as he was in the middle of teaching his once daily five hour class to Yankees rookies on the Right Way To Play The Game™ fucking kidding with this shit?
Okay, am I the only one who's looking waaaaay too into the emphasis she puts on "man" in that gif?
I understood — believe me, I'm well aware there hasn't been a likable Knicks squad this century.
It is funny how Nets fans are trying so hard to start a rivalry, but until you have a Reggie Miller hitting daggers and laughing in our face about it or shithead PJ Brown body slamming our point guard, then you're just the Wizards or whatever Charlotte is calling themselves these days to me. Geography alone don't cut…
+1 from a fellow Knick fan, but it'll be a fucking blizzard in hell before I ever root for the Heat, Pacers or Bulls.
I moved to the midwest from the far superior sandwich world of the east coast (yeah, that's right, I'm a goddamn sandwich elitist!) and you literally have to tell any/everyone making you a sandwich "no mayo, please" and then you get looks like you're the one who's clinically insane for not wanting that…
....OOOOOH! Because Michael Sam is gay! NOW I GET IT!
True, but at least I have the goddamn decency and basic human empathy to never just assume someone wants mayonnaise on a sandwich. Baby steps towards a better tomorrow.
I watched that episode and what I took from it was Bourdain didn't even really care for the food — like he almost was subtly making fun of the presentation and the ostentatiousness of it all. I think he was way more into the Thai spot he want to later in the episode.
Because no one ever leaves Minnesota for some reason. You learn quick as a transplant that 95% of the people you meet here were born and raised here, all of their friends are natives, and all of their extended families going back generations are from here and have never left. It's almost cultish (seriously, watch the…
Did every one of these assholes get a template or something? They all read, "[I'm not a racist], [but as a white person, we should be allowed to say racist shit because 1st Amendment/Slippery Slope/Thought Police?]"
Yes, but where does #Benghazi fit into all of this?