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Don't listen to these other comments. Listen to Billy Mays!

I used to buy a lot of Dewalt power tools but the new Milwaukee battery drills are awesome I don't see me going back with Dewalt for any thing now but the reciprocating saws.

Is there a real use for this device? I mean I can't think of anything I wouldn't think it be very accurate for something like batting practice or something. Does look cool though.

Wow that looks like fun I wish I had the money to do stuff like that. Fastest I've ever hit in a car was 145ish that has to be an amazing feeling at that speed!

That prices doesn't seem to bad of a deal if your looking for one.

Isn't this the same as mink oil we use on work boots? Well I mean the same effect anyways.

So I wasn't the only one thinking Minecraft because of this!

Well its a ford parts mostly from Mexico and Canada, Damn good warranty, But a new car does make you look more attractive to woman they think you have money. (got it for so cheap its unreal cash for clunkers(the one thing Obama did for me) and my dad gave a Ford employee discount.

They look like the little viewers you put money into on bridges for the tourists to me.

Wow you guys are crazy your comments shouldn't arguing if its scotch or not. It should be $13,000 for something that is disposable? I bought my brand new car for this in 2009 I would not even be in the same room as someone willing to spend that on a few ounces of alcohol.

Any company scared they are gonna get sued. Or don't want the government to step in and tell them they have to do it. I'm pretty sure a device becoming an anti personnel mine needs to be recalled no matter by what company.

Didn't droid-life review this like a few months ago? And amazon had it on sale a few weeks ago? Or is this one new and I missed it?

That's cool but not enough room to put all my stuff and I live in what I thought was a small apartment.

Thats cool stuff. I would really like to know about that radio though I'm gonna research it tomorrow.

I want the prime, but I'm gonna be stuck for a while with my galaxy tab.

Wow they crammed some stuff in there. I remember taking apart the original Razr it was quit easy now dear god.

I had a sim in a black berry tour once, but that was it so I dont really know much about it but it didn't look complicated. Why can that info be on micro sd card?

All politicians are ok with us taking the shaft for something stupid they are doing as long as they make money and keep their power. Republican or Democrat doesn't matter they are all a member of the Shaft the Citizens Party.

Same here never answer what I don't know unless its my company phone. Thats where they get me I just tell them its a company phone so nobody is buying $#!t!

They have secretaries who filter their calls, If it were truly "random" they might receive one of these but they aren't.