
Whats wrong with the SHO?

Record cold here for the last 5 days!

Same reason people "need" a car that can hit 200 is there proof that's needed?

I live within two blocks of the police station. Also if they don't know its happening then of course you can get away with it. Not really a lot of crime here to begin with.

I have signs all over my yard dare you to try and come into my house. I guarantee you don't get away with it :). Also you would be on camera that is also remotely monitored. The town I live in is so small that the cops would literally be here in less than 60 seconds. I know how my system is setup and I know what

So they nuke the country that they control? Again I say I didn't think it would work or that it made sense, I said that was the reason it was put in there by the founders.

Just going by the numbers the armed civilians in the United States outnumber the armed military/government agencies by a lot. My point wasn't that I thought that it was good for that I was saying what it was put there for by its creators.

I'm uneducated? That is news to me got hired at my current job due to my education. Just because what I have to say isn't what you would like it to be does not my make me "uneducated". That ancient relic you speak of is still a law even if it is ancient. Also why would have to stoop to calling someone white trash?

How is it not valid? It says shall not be infringed, not shall not be infringed until we decide we don't like the idea anymore. I personally have only what I need to hunt with, but I can tell you it would be damn hard to take down a deer with a rock.

They way you commented on the Second Amendment sounded like you thought it should be done away with. So if that's not how you meant it then I apologize.

How easy do you really think it would be for the U.S government to try and remove the firearms in our country? That would basically cause a civil war and would not be worth the effort. I think now would be the time to lend a helping hand to those going through this tragedy not be a propaganda spreading douche bag.

Because we have something called the 2nd amendment which says that the right to bare arms and that it shall not be infringed. It was actually put in there to protect the people from a corrupt government not just a foreign military. It is a "right" in our country to be able to purchase a firearm in the United States.

Unfortunately the customers almost always have no clue what they have in their house :).

Well the window for a job for most companies is just for arrival time. I do agree the techs are going to get grief over this.

As someone who has done similar kinds of work his entire life, I think them saying they will be there at the beginning of the window is a bad idea. The reason you have the window is because you don't know what your going to run into on an install. You may have to run you cables in a way that is not simple at all and

Funniest thing I've seen today thanks for the laugh.

It looks very ugly to me, but I don't know much about yachts.

We don't have subways down here its very rural so different situation. I also said a stun gun would be better. Hell I've never been on a subway before.

Stun gun would probably be better, but I personally don't own one of those.

Nope not at all. It doesn't have to be a mortal wound, but just has to stop them. What if that was a relative of yours who had major medical issues and had to have that phone near by in case things went bad? It could possibly be their life line. Why would you care if a thief took a round in the leg?