Chrispy Fried

I was pleasantly surprised to find my last order waiting for me after only 5 days! I didn't bother to track it though. #mail

I hate it when I order something from Amazon and choose "free supersaver shipping" and they hand the package off to USPS. #mail

I would love to write a review of a resort hotel. Depending on the (free) vacation package I am assigned to write about, I could provide any and all photos needed to propel this venue to 5 star status! #hotels

Reporters often give the incorrect date of the peak. In North America the peak time is usually between 3AM and dawn. Some reporters just can't seem to get the date right because they think of it as being the "night of". #photography

@winshape: Ahhh, the ultimate learning experience...getting it wrong in front of a few hundred people...#!$*% #learning

I just recently tried freezing a clicking hard drive to revive it. IT WORKED!

@1112: I agree. I've seen my fare share of systems "supposedly" protected by Norton, McAfee and the like, that are infected. It's a mine field out there.

I guess this is a good thing if you intend to run for public office or otherwise want to make sure people see what you want them to see when you get "Googled"

Free AV software is for people who know their way around computers, software and the internet.

@addiktion: The debate is already raging over whether GV falls into the category of a telecommunications company. If this happens Google will likely dump, sell, spin-off, give away or beg somebody to take GV in order to get out from under FCC regulation. #googlevoice is security handled with Wi-Fi Direct? Wouldn't every device have to use the same encryption method and network key? #gadgets

y'all sound like a bunch people sitting around the farmtown marketplace asking for work LOL. #googlewave

Napster is one thing. BitTorrent is ridiculous. It is completely decentralized and probably unstoppable. At one time I was tempted by Napster....

I got a dirty look from someone the other day because I mentioned something from their blog in a casual conversation. If you post something on a social networking site, expect it to be public information! I mean it was like 142 other online "friends" knew this information but the SO at the table wasn't supposed to

There is nothing regular or usual about my lunch break or eating habits. It's not that my life or work is so haphazard that I can't have a routine...I don't want one.

i'm not crazy about the iPhone. even though i know tons of people that have i really missing anything?