Chrispy Fried

No comment, FTW!

This reminds me of the flying monkeys in the Wizard of Oz.

I was thinking the same thing. A B-52 is pretty big. I've never seen an aircraft carrier but this photo offers a great perspective.

Computer Chronicles...I had forgotten all about this show. It was kind of like a modern cooking show, but for geeks.

Since the iPod came before the iPhone, isn't the iPhone an iPod with the phone feature added to it?

I'm trying to decide if it is worse to own an outdated iPad or iPhone...or not have one at all!

And here all along I thought Vista was the beta for Windows 7.

I guess they've finally figured out that the truly sinister and dangerous are the ones that use Twitter and Facebook to make credible threats.

Mine uses the AT&T mobile network.

Most of the artists I would like to see won't be playing within 250 miles of where my VPN indicates I am searching from.

I've been using an antenna since I moved to a rural area. Cable is not available in my area and i just don't want a satellite dish for a number of reasons.

I haven't seen this version of the movie yet but when it comes to picking a movie to watch, I often look up something one or both of the Coen brothers were involved in.

Using the rule of thirds is certainly a step in the right direction. When using this technique make sure to take note what part of the image is in focus. Depending on the camera and its settings you may have to set the focus by pointing directly at your subject then push and hold the shutter button halfway. This locks


I am truly amazed that I didn't have to have a subscription to read the entire article.

I keep my cell phone on the night stand next to the bed. If I need to get up at night I just pick up the phone and mash a button. It puts out enough light to get me where I'm going.

To a woman this is not's a blank palette waiting for a piece of plastic with a high credit limit.

My gut and my brain are in a dysfunctional relationship. Every time one wins the decision the other just kind of sits back and waits for something to screw up and then jumps up and says "I told ya so!"

I like to use my fireplace but I can't afford to have the chimney cleaned. Has anyone ever cleaned their own chimney? If so, what's involved (steps, tools, supplies)? Or should I just save up and hire it out?