
I’m about 70 hours in, I’ve seen credits (multiple times, I replayed the ending to see a few different ones), I’ve done every yellow icon on the map aside from the vehicles, many NCPD scanner things which are the worst offenders in terms of generics filler, I’ve exhausted my side jobs (ie the narrative side quests) so

Now playing

You’re mixing too many things together. This is not something true of only the top companies.

We’re not talking about the 1%. Many smaller games are securing their profits these days through crowdfunding and subscription models, some through signing deals with subscription services like Game Pass, Apple Arcade, or

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: all of these reviews make me feel guilty for enjoying Anthem.

Yup, this is totally the way to change things. Target the game with one of the most diverse casts in recent history and tell them they’re still doing it wrong.

Lots of people think this but it’s actually pretty short-sighted. Nintendo sold people a fairly well-iterated piece of software with interactive instructions, a basic coding environment, and some admittedly shallow but interesting game experiences. And also cardboard.

Its mind boggling. This site said the guys criticism was justified because the submarine didnt work to save them? What the heck did anyone at gizmodo do to help?

What’s with giving Musk crap every time he tries to do something to help? Yeah, sometimes his contributions are minimal, but at least the man is actively trying to do something! There’s always complains that during tragedies, those with power to make a difference only offer their useless “thoughts and prayers,” Yet

And who did his actions hurt?  No one but your fragile ego, apparently.

Some really cool work here. But was it really necessary to give the what I’m pretty sure was a 13-or-so-year-old girl from Jurassic Park huge boobs?

He had opinions. You didn’t like them. Clearly that means he deserved his fate. The amount of jealousy from nobodies on this site is tragic.

Yup, only mindless numbskulls enjoy watching competitions.


Maybe because the male employees were originally hired during a time when there was significantly less interest from women in the games industry? Probably a solid hypothesis.

Didn’t they lose?

“Even when locked” - you aren’t using the lock-on camera are you? Don’t do that.

PROTIP: you can take pictures upside down and the phone will still put them the right way

It’s obviously a joke. Get over yourself.

I honestly don’t see the problem with the original comment. Making fun of how different groups speak relative to each other is pretty basic and harmless comedy on its own. I’ve had it happen to me. Life goes on. I wouldn’t to hear it in a workplace where things like genuine minority status or disparities of power come

so there’s literally no way to make this game look bad, is that correct