Chris Metzger

Yeah it seems to have a root in the heroes being more evolved than normal humans. It would be something the people with powers called themselves which the haters appropriated as a slur? Which is about the opposite of how slurs tend to go.

Heroes Resuscitated

Which is the main reason people were excited about Prometheus. It was marketed as Ridley Scott's return to the Alien franchise, after his not having any involvement since the first one (generally thought by film buffs as being the best.) I guess I can't say that marketing was bad, it did exactly what marketing is

I too will see a Prometheus sequel, against my better judgement. Mostly just because of the goosebumps I got when that Engineer locked himself into the pilot seat and it became clear what the Space Jockey from alien was.

Prometheus' issues had nothing to do with failing to connect to Alien. If anything, that connection was the most well thought out part of the film. All the breadcrumbs were properly dropped for those who wanted to connect the dots: We learned what the beings were that piloted the ship the Xenomorph eggs were on, even

If you use the thermal goggles you can see his footprints and track him to his sniper perch. Because he's on a ledge looking outward you always come up from behind so you can hold him up with your gun (thus getting his awesome camo) and then pump him full of bullets until he flashbangs you and runs off.

Wouldn't be Metal Gear Solid without a woman with her breasts hanging out, a torture sequence, and at least one case of violent diarrhea.

The rumor is Doctor Who has to use Daleks once per season in order to retain rights to use them at all, which is why they might be starting to wear out their welcome. How they're used is up to the show though. It would be possible to only have them in a small role, but every season of New Who has had at least one

Well, the fact that the Doctor sends Missy his will seems to imply he thinks of her above Clara in some respects. Although I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a reveal that he just sent it to her in order to lure her out from wherever she went to hide after Death in Heaven.

I agree… Everything with Clara is at odds with everything else. From a plot perspective Season 7 made Clara arguably the most important person in the Doctor's life, though I choose to ignore that because of how poorly Name of the Doctor and 7B in general were handled. In practice she was completely, as you say, an

There's a weird interplay in this episode between Missy and Clara where they seem to be competing over who knows the Doctor best. And what's kind of odd about it, from a viewer's perspective you'd think we're supposed to side with Clara (the companion being the audience surrogate and all,) but it's Missy who seems to

Though there were some long stretches, this episode did a great job of averting the standard two-parter pacing issues (not enough meat in episode 1, too much in episode 2) pretty well which bodes well for a largely two-part based season. Moffat found a pretty cool way to fill the extra time, dropping in on a bunch of

He gave 3 A's in Season 7 and 4 in Season 8, which is admittedly more than I would give but hardly an overwhelming number. And the content of his reviews is always really strong and based on information pulled from classic and new Who, which I'd say counts for more than the letter grade.

I'd argue for a balance. All just my opinion of course, but to me season 5 is one of, if not the strongest season and it is built around a season long arc. Meanwhile, season 7 takes the idea of standalone episodes to its extreme and feels confused and disjointed. I'm personally pretty excited for a more continuity

Ah. Perhaps a longer game then, though I'll eat my hat (I don't have a hat) if Clara isn't back next episode.

Wasn't the actress who played Osgood confirmed to return during this story? While Missy ostensibly blows up two UNIT agents to prove she hasn't "turned good," I actually feel that the show is laying breadcrumbs for next episode, which will reveal just how Missy, Clara, and everyone Missy has ever zapped with her gun

Wired Magazine did a really interesting infographic section about superheroes and villains in one issue, and they broke down the color schemes of their uniforms. Almost universally, primary colors (red, blue, yellow) were associated with superheroes and secondary colors (orange, especially a pale orange, green, and

I'm ready. Season 8 course corrected Clara's story after how disjointed and haphazard Season 7 (and the Clara portrayed in that season) was, and definitely gave me a better sense of who she is and why she's in the Tardis at all, but it seems about time. I was honestly a bit disappointed that she didn't leave after

I don't think that the Ood should qualify as a villain

Almost certainly the Lips' influence. Just look at their 2009 release Embryonic.