
I do the old school recycling with my jars: I use them for screws, nuts & bolts, and nails in the garage. Growing up the Gerber baby food jars were the best (small and plenty of them), but now I use all sorts of glass jars: pickles, mostly.

As for rinsing for recycling? I do it because my recycling container in my

As Peter Griffin would say, “Oh, my God! Who the hell cares?” Kristen shouldn’t even be on the show. She has no connection to LVP or SUR, and she’s just a mess. Ah, I see it now: She’s there for the drunken prat-falls and to serve as a warning to other cast members--don’t get fired or you’ll be regulated to second

Downloaded it. Tried it. It failed. I took a picture of a painting that had a clear signature and they still couldn’t figure it out. It’s probably good for more familiar artists.

Comedians are supposed to go up to the line and sometimes cross it. I get it. It’s what they do. But this guy doesn’t seem to be so much as funny as he is just an asshole who thinks he’s funny.

This isn’t Eddie Murphy making homophobic comments back in 1987, this is someone who grew up in an age when he should know

I can’t believe this has to be noted. How stupid do you have to be to think this is your money? I read that article on that stupid couple... I think they should have to pay double as a stupidity tax.

It is okay to touch your own private parts as long as it’s in private and doesn’t take too much time.” Define ‘too much time.” 

This is a thing? Getting a sunburn so you can have a non-sunburned dot on yourself? I mean, we were idiots in the 70's, but I guess not as stupid as someone who gets a sunburn on purpose...

I’m not a crunchy taco fan per se, but this solves one of the main reasons I don’t like crunch tacos?! 

I thought the same. I didn’t see your post when I wrote a similar theory.

You had a different take on Radio Flyer than I did: I assumed the step-father had killed the little boy and the older brother created the flying away bit in order to deal with the loss. Either way, it’s pretty messed up.

I use Coinstar about once a year. It’s not worth my time to roll my change. I did that years ago and it took forever. I don’t mind the 10% charge—I figure it’s the cost of saving me time of rolling. But reading the comments, I had no idea I could convert to an Amazon gift card! Now THAT I can really use!

I’m sure you’ve seen this. File it under “life goals” :-)

This article came up at the perfect moment: I’ve been procrastinating on several big ticket items for a few days... I feel better because I was already doing what the author suggested: working on a host other tasks that weren’t as important. I don’t feel guilty now and it makes me want to tackle those bigger tasks!

I fly internationally for personal trips several times a year and I always fly business class. It’s worth the extra cost:

Yes! Giving a child a sharp stick of food is a great plan where nothing could go wrong.

“for a while...” being the key phrase! :-D 

I also blame Chip & Joanna Gaines and their idea of removing cabinets and putting all the matching dishes on open shelves. A) I live in earthquake country... not a good idea. B) Who has matchy-matchy everything? My dishes don’t match the walls... 

My brother lived in a charming home where the people not only did not paint the wood work, they took care of it. It was a craftsman style and it was GORGEOUS. He sold it and the people that moved in gutted it all and went open concept and ruined every bit of charm the house had. They had beautiful glass pocket doors

I don’t understand why people buy Victorians or Eichlers who don’t like them and proceed to remove everything that give them character to make them bland and boring. I think Victorians are pretty, but I wouldn’t want to live in one--so when I was looking for a home, they were off my list immediately. 

My house has a semi-open concept. It’s nice (there are only two of us), but when we cook--or worse, burn something--that smell is with us for a day.