
I think you're right-on. He's charming and sympathetic, but his deception to Sharon is also directed to the audience — which got me more disturbed by it than a sterotypical bender (which viewers would tend to expect, as Anne Marie noted above)

Given some of the plot developments in this and later episodes, it seemed somewhat strange that most of Rob's drinking (likely) takes place off-screen — when some of the drinking-related consequences sneak up on him, it felt odd ………. or no?

Dude looks the same as he did on Mickey Mouse Club like 30 years ago?

That scene where Will coughs up a slug = flashbacks to being completely
freaked out watching Night of the Creeps as a kid … though looking at its Wikipedia now, it was a *comedy* ??

The Current is an actual station for indie music, not just a "blog arm" for the Garrison Keillor evil empire (you should stream it! it's good!)

So he's got some good stuff, but I can't get over the brooding-ness combined with his comedy stuff. It's like watching Conan O'Brien decide to jam with the White Stripes back on his tour — it's just weird………

Same here! Also introduced me to Forever Young, by Alphaville.Those were some good commercials.

They are great — but I'm hoping it's new remix-y stuff and not "new material." Their original songs they recently released were terrible (but their recent Mixtape Volume 6 —> http://www.thehoodinternet…. was total awesomeness).

They are great — but I'm hoping it's new remix-y stuff and not "new material." Their original songs they recently released were terrible (but their recent Mixtape Volume 6 —> http://www.thehoodinternet…. was total awesomeness).

i lost it and couldn't stop laughing … look like a crazyperson because i had excel spreadsheets on the monitor people can see…………….

i lost it and couldn't stop laughing … look like a crazyperson because i had excel spreadsheets on the monitor people can see…………….