Chris Grieve

I'm from Pity Me. (Please don't, btw). It's not a mining town. The nearest pit village is/was 2 miles away. It's about 1 square km and has basically been swallowed up by another village and a giant, ugly, depressing housing estate. Some of it hasn't had a lick of paint since the 1980s. Apparently Madness and Madonna

The Actor Kevin Eldon has been cast in S6. Anything else is a bonus.

Great to look at, but at heart it's the sort of drama where dreadfully cliched characters say out loud "look at me, I'm such a cliche!". And the updating to the present, with no mention of, for example, Putin, ISIS, Assad, etc, is insultingly simplistic. Couldn't shake the producers constantly just off screen stroking

Oh, and Hugo, with my 8 yr old niece. Really enchanting.

Currently listening to Love Streams by Tim Hecker, on repeat and at extremely high volume. It's right up there with his best. Also been loving the early albums by Faust lately. Just incredible how contemporary they sound for albums made 40 years ago.

Doesn't she know that "Dragons do not burn"?

That could definitely happen. Not sure Cersei's on the same trajectory. Can't see her giving it all up to join the sparrows or squire for Brienne.

Contract wrangles permitting, I think you're right. Tyrion too. Someone's got to negotiate the two state solution with the WW's when it all goes apocalyptic

Families, eh?

Thanks for a great answer. The idea of the throne being literally dismantled to help the ultimate war effort suddenly appealed to me, but I guess the seed hasn't really been planted. I don't know the books at all, so the mythology and back-story is still very mysterious. Maybe that will change this season….

Can anyone answer a random GoT question / brain-fart?

I'd recommend it. He's very scrupulous with the presenting the best sources in the right context. The mind-boggling scale and success of the conquest(s) is illustrated very well.

In God's Path by Robert Hoyland (on the early Arab Conquests)

Spend the weekend floating around with Judee Sill and various Krautrock luminaries like Faust & Neu! And old Oneohtix Point Never. Excellent escapism all round.

You can throw a CD in the bin and cackle at it. Deleting MP3's is just no fun at all.

AC are such an acquired taste. Awful live when I saw them, but the records are atmospheric, odd and fun. I never think about listening to single tracks but check out Golden Girls from the latest record or My Girls from Merriweather Post Pavillion.

Animal Collective album really grows.It's a more rounded, disciplined set. Not Django Django rounded, but certainly more immediate than the last one. Has anyone seen them live lately? Do they, you know, bother?

First spin sent me to sleep. Never got that with Sung Tongs, but there's nowt wrong with it. Even Flori-da-da is growing on me after a few listens now.

Yep, that's a looong wait, but the step up in ambition shown in s.2 bodes very well, so I'm expecting to be suitably rewarded.

Bone Tomahawk - loved it wholeheartedly. I was expecting Wrong Turn with stetsons but was really pleasantly surprised and, if not horrified, genuinely tense and invested in the outcome. I don't often get that with horror. Great work by Patrick Wilson and Richard Jennings in excellently fleshed-out roles that exceeded