Chris Otto

I am reminded of one Christmas when I was a kid. I was opening a present and got super excited to see what was apparently a set of TMNT action figures. But it turned out to be a case for STORING the figures, not any of the figures themselves. Same energy!

It helps that Iman Vellani is fantastic.


I know trailers can lie, but sign me the f up. Kamala was one of the best new additions in phase iv.

If you see The Flash and wonder, “Wait, are those visual effects real? Did they finish that?”, the answer—whether you love it or hate it—is yes, they did. It was done on purpose and was the filmmaker’s intention to make sure what the Flash sees is different from what a normal person would see.

Plus, in terms of the opening, it also has the side effect of making the sight of babies falling to their deaths feel slightly less traumatic.

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And the WGA’s grievances are legitimate, because the studios aren’t just “underpaying.”

I think the Irish Times review is probably the most accurate in terms of not pandering.

While I’m confident it will be a fun movie, and possibly the second or third best Indiana Jones movie, when I read a Twitter review from some dude calling it “Not just another Indy film, it’s one of the best movies ever!”, my bullshit detector immediately goes off.

Nobody believes she’s staying dead for long. Most are far more upset that how they’re doing it and giving Kamala the “Women in Refrigerator” treatment, killing the brown Muslim girl in someone else’s book to make the white hero feel sad. It’s terrible optics. 

This is a reviled run of Spider-Man, and it’s legitimate baffling that they’ve given the “Women in Refrigerators” treatment to Kamala in the year 2023.

I thought this episode was hilarious. That “You don’t like Avongers? We’ve got Avingers” line is like peak Futurama quality. I remain mystified by people who aren’t able to key into the humor of the series. It’s more laugh out loud funny than a lot of sitcoms I’ve seen. It wouldn’t stand against anything truly great,

Finally, a “lighthearted” one! It’s been such a grim slog up until now, what with all the jokes and twerking and everything.