Chris Otto

Now do Outlaws

It just wrecks far too much of Endgame is Rhodey was a Skrull. His interactions with Nebula were among my favorite parts of that movie. And he was the first at Stark’s side at the end.

The question is when will we see here again. MCU seems to be treading lightly on future Disney+ series, even though that would be the perfect venue for Season 2 while everyone is still the right age. (Plus, if we only get Kamala in movies going forward, that severely limits the rest of her friends/sidekicks/family)

This seems to be the first MCU movie that *truly* requires Disney+ series as a prerequisite. But the good news is that it’s two of the very best MCU series.

If they REALLY wanted to mess with folks, they could have put a grinning Joaquin Phoenix in the Batsuit for a 2-second cameo.

I DID NOT have a “Bowling for Dollars” reference on io9 on my bingo card. Excellent.

Not a big fan of Fathom. No reason to believe these will be anything but old prints.

Checking in two years later, on my first watch, I must say that I liked this episode, and that was my thought BEFORE I watched the final episode. However you feel about him, this is what Mike Flanagan productions bring to the table. He’s ultimately a softie/redemption guy (maybe he learned his lesson from the