Chris G

forget using this on shrunken shirts, I want to use them on my "too tight to wear due to my lack of exercise" shirts!

Coloring Books. There are tons of childrens websites that make it really easy (and more fun for kids) to choose and print pages to color. Those things add up so it will definately save parents money in the long run.

If you're not 100% ethical (like me), you can do what I did last weekend. I used my Fandango app and bought child tickets ($3 savings per tickets) instead of adult. I used their barcode on my phone with no tickets. They didn't ask, and there's no ticket depicting "ADULT" or "CHILD". He even had to ask me if it was

Yep, it helps to have the correct name doesn't it?? I was getting an error when updating my Cydia databases, but restarted and the error was gone and the package was there. Ahhhh, nice!

For some reason I can't find the Photo Share tweak. Anyone else find it?

I like the intention of this home mod, but what I found is this isn't very practical for me personally when I'm at home. I usually play with my phone at home while watching TV, and sitting within 2 feet from an outlet just isn't practical.

I'm really impressed with FolderEnhancer. It is the all-in-one app that replaces several others.

Yep, just skipped the whole CC section and it let me activate no problem. THANKS GUYS!!

Why do I feel like we're being punked? "Checking for updates... iOS5 Your software is up to date." (clicks back to General then to Software Update again) "Checking for updates... iOS5 Your software is up to date." (clicks back to General then to Software Update again) "Checking for updates... iOS5 Your software

I was one of the "should have waited" crowd. I downloaded ios5 for my iphone 4 and had it jailbroken before it was released publicly. I did so because I have enjoyed having my phone jailbroken and was really excited to upgrade and jailbreak the new version. BAD IDEA.

The most important fact was left out.... WHERE?? Cortez Bank? Jaws? Mavricks?

Ever since syncing my purchases through itunes, my downloaded music doesn't play. I've been trying to figure out how to delete them and redownload, so this is exactly what I was needing. THANK YOU!!

You'd think this is so obvious that there HAS to be a reason why they haven't done it yet. Just think of the cost savings they'd get by not having to do all of these searches and extra expense to trying to track them down. Of course they can still load a phone with porn and whatever else that wouldn't need internet,

Mine is "FBISurveillanceVan#11" Thanks Lifehacker!

Just more reason to wait for unteathered. Don't you jailbreak so you can use the Cydia apps??? I guess this would be good in an emergency, but why bother?

Boy they dug really deep in the "In Case of Slow News Day Use These" bag, didn't they? WOW. It's articles like this that make reading comments so fun though.

From your mouth to Jobs' ears. I was really excited when the new phone wasn't the ip5 because now when my contract is up a year from now I'll be able to get what I hope is that "stellar" phone with the larger screen and a better version of what was released last week. I can't wait!!

I wish they posted this article before the "How to Upgrade to iOS5 NOW!" post last week. I was jailbroken and upgrading was a B!ICH and took two days. I even jailbroke it teathered, but most of the jailbroken apps didn't work so I restored to plain old iOS5. I miss my Installous apps!!! Waiting patiently for the

and if that doesn't work you can put it in Skipping Rock mode.

You can now send invites when you create a calender entry. The invitee receives an email asking to accept or decline, then it updates in your entry. I assume the event then gets added to the invitees calendar also, but I couldnt' confirm this yet with my wife's iphone because she wasn't on ios5. Very cool feature to