Chris G

Two words.... BABY POWDER.  I never go to the beach with my kids without it.  It drys up all the cracks and crevaces and sand falls off.  

I’m shocked that M&Ms hasn’t yet jumped on the “Just (pick a color)“ packs where you only have only yellow or green M&Ms ala Twix’s “Only Left” campaign. Seems like the perfect way to market the purple one’s and let the consumers run with this one.

I see what you did there....  lol

For me I must have deviled eggs. I was raised on them at every holiday meal thanks to my Grandma and my family will yell if I don’t make them. I also need canned, gelatinous cranberry sauce because that’s what I grew up having so that is what I need. Sure, make your carefully crafted, artisanal, foo foo cranberry

The code isn’t working for me. :(

The code isn’t working for me. :(

This is so easy, but brilliant! I'm really intrigued by sous vide and haven't tried it yet, but maybe this will inspire me to start. Can you cook sous vide in just a ziplock bag??

The worst part about reading this article is that it's now in my mind, therefore will pop up when I'm drunk at the next tailgate and proclaim, "HEY I read this article about this dumb trick.... LET'S TRY IT!!" yeah, I'm doomed even though I know how horrible this is... there's no rationalizing with "Drunk Chris."

Delay delay delay delay.... that's it, I'm out. I'll catch the highlights in a week when this finally goes down. Meh.

One of the features noone has talked about is the low-light photo enhancements. Where are the comparisons?? Did I miss something? I'm really interested in that because I've never owned a phone that does a good job of taking pics in a bar at night. WTF?!

I watched the entire flyover and it was indeed breathtaking. There were just so many visions that blew my mind: downtown, the Hollywood sign, Santa Monica Pier, and Disneyland. It did not one but TWO low flybys at LAX where it was only 100-200 feet off the ground. The pilot of that 747 should get some award for the

Nope, not the case. I was reminded of this last weekend when I wanted to refresh my inbox and swiped down like I do in EVERY other app, but to no avail. Then I remembered I had to hit the refresh button then just shook my head.

I'm in the same boat as you. You won't be able to update to iOS6 until you restore your phone and remove the jailbreak. We will then have to wait for someone to jailbreak iOS6, which could take weeks, as it did with iOS5. What I recommend, and what I'm going to do, is just wait until a full unteathered jailbreak is

They're discussing Ios6, not the actual iphone5. That is a hardward difference so upgrading it ios6 on an iphone 4 won't change the camera specs. I wish though!

Yeah, I'm in the same boat. Have to restore (unjailbreak) the phone before I can download ios6.

It's probably going to be weeks before you can jailbreak ios6. At least that's how long it was for ios5 although it felt like months.


I'm sorry for being so short in my reply, but isn't the big "OMG" feature of the iphone 5 that it's LTE?? I agree with pretty much everything you said and I think I'm going to pass on upgrading my iphone 4, but the only real stand out feature to me is LTE. I'll wait to see what a difference it makes, because my

I'd use this so I can look like a badass in meetings and soak in the praise for being so creative and MacGyverish.

Wow, we used to use these in my Jr. High math class in the 80's. Feeling mighty old right now...

I have an 8-year-old ADHD daughter and have found HUGE success using Chore Monster for the past month. Our rewards are things they should EARN, like TV time, iphone game time, and ice cream. This teaches them they have to work for "fun" things. Gee, almost sounds like what every American finds a job for doesn't