Chris G

You can now send invites when you create a calender entry. The invitee receives an email asking to accept or decline, then it updates in your entry. I assume the event then gets added to the invitees calendar also, but I couldnt' confirm this yet with my wife's iphone because she wasn't on ios5. Very cool feature

See what you did there... clever!

I think "nut butter" should be the word of the day today. Everyone please use it in casual conversation! (Bonus points if you can do so without being dirty or disgusting.)

Then when it tries to reply with an answer you get to say even more emphatically, "I said Good Day Siri!" Almost worth getting one just for that purpose. "Hey guys, watch me put my iPhone it its place!"

I can't wait until my my daughter asks "Where do babies come from?" and I just hold up my iPhone and say "Ask Siri!" Awkwardness avoided!!

I can honestly say I have NEVER had the need to be talking and surfing the web at the same time on my phone. This is so overblown it's ridiculous. There is such an upside to this phone (albeit jailbroken) you shouldn't let that point stop you. You're really missing out.

If you want to kick it up a notch, you can rig it to the top of your garage door so when your garage door closes, the ball gets pulled up to the ceiling and out of the way. All you need is a couple eyehooks.

And yes I feel like a tool for being the 34th person to mention their site is down. Note to self: refresh before posting comments. DOH!

Apparently, good news travels fast because their site has crashed.

One thing I don't like about Pandora or other music services is the lack of obscure tracks. Hopefully this will be something that will open that side of music up.