
If I'm not mistaken, the replica wasn't built with a Viper, but from a RX-7.

Only downside is that WCC cut up a FD RX-7 to make the Banshee, that said it was a good chassis to start with.

It was actually built (by West Coast Customs) as a promotion for a GameStop giveaway. Apparently it's 100% identical to the game's car, interior and everything.

Doesn't this create a problem for colorblind persons?

What kind of Monster would do that?

I'm going to play Devil's advocate here. Don't kill me for this, but I'd like to raise a few points (none of which mean that I fully back this guy's suit):

So putting different badges on your car does make it go faster. Huh, the ricers were right.

Then it's artbreaking.

Anyone with a Logitech G25 having flashbacks?

It's like the boys on Top Gear say. Convertibles are like ketchup. Put it on something cheap and bland, like a burger, you make it better. Put it on something awesome like Filet Mignon, you make it worse.


Looks much better than the Fiat 500L, which is also a bit turd-ish.

well there a lot better shape than the ones from wisconsin! you rarely see first gen s10's anymore and when you do they usually look worse than this one!

So did Austin Dillon cause all the wrecks or just most of them?


I would love to go back to like the 1960s or 70s and announce that I have a picture of a car from 2014, and then show them this.

Clarkson has wise words on this subject

I feel sorry for even looking at this.