Chris Dunning

Are pickin' up the slack!

They shut schools down in SE Texas if it gets close to freezing. It's hilarious.

They shut schools down in SE Texas if it gets close to freezing. It's hilarious.

I still don't get how system wide spellcheck isn't a default on Windows yet. It seems like a pretty obvious thing.

If I'm using a desktop system, I should be able to use all of my applications Windowed. What you are suggesting is not a solution to the problem I have. If Metro is the way forward (and that certainly seems to be the way that Microsoft has framed it) Metro apps should be treated as first class citizens in the world of

Yes, and then you're in a Metro app, and not in the desktop environment.

As long as you don't use any Metro Apps.

Wait... What? Talk about a complete leap there. Mitt Romney's trashcan is your first thought how?

Having used Windows 8 for more than 30 minutes, I can tell you right now that it's a disjointed operating system that should be split into two. Half of it is outstanding for touch screens. Half of it is great for mouse and keyboard. Jumping in and out of two separate environments for two separate types of apps that

Is everything in this world an opportunity to complain about Apple to you?

Will be?

Shut up, Wesley.

You're both wrong, that's clearly Tarja Halonen, Finland's 11th President.

I don't care so much what my spouse does or does not do with her hair down there. I trim mine up a bit, though. Mostly because I'm ridiculously hairy.

It's too bad she got "the herp", though. At least she's got the money to pay for those meds!

It was on top of the Rockies in Colorado, for me. I remember looking up and seeing the blues and purples and the expanse of stars that were uncountable. So amazing.

Maybe something more along these lines?

Holy crap! That was here!?!?!