Chris Dunning


I have a wad of cash stuck behind the plate in a custom hiding place I made. Enough for a months with of expenses. Elsewhere I have a small stash of survival supplies.

Five dollars vs. $200 seemed like a deal to me, and it's Black Friday.

I'll never tell. ;)

I bought a five dollar wax ring and bolts for my toilet and took 15 minutes out of my day off to change it out for the old one. Saved a couple hundred bucks over having a plumber do it. Then I scrubbed my hands and body until I was positive that my hands were no longer tainted by the filth. Made myself a killer

This is for a gallery feature that hasn't existed outside of iTunes 11. Before this, album art and PDF booklets were the only images that were involved in the typical music experience. Some iTunes LP material came with wallpapers and such, but there is no "in the first place" involved here.

Bogus Maximus compared it to an Ultrabook as far as specs go. What Ultrabooks are shipping with 1TB HDD/SSD hybrid, 2.3GHz quad cores, and the variety of ports that this comes with at $1000? The $600 model is far more comparable to most entry level Ultrabooks than the $1000 model. I'm not throwing it out there "just

The $1000 model is a quad core. The base model is $600.

Also, there's a substantial difference between refined sugar and the sugars that are found in fruit as they pertain to digestion.


It seems to be pretty well sold out everywhere. I'd say yes.

The cast feels stronger this year than the last couple of years. I'm beyond glad that they it rid of Kristen Wiig. The woman was obnoxious.

That's good advice. We do have a pretty good emergency fund in addition to our savings account. We tucked away all of our wedding money six years ago in a CD.

Two bankrupt companies hurt by unions. Pretty similar from the viewpoint of where things went wrong. Certainly not from the standpoint of the products produced.

The suck-cut! Wayne's World, Wayne's World, Party Time, Excellent, Whooo, Whooo, Whooo, Whooo!

Moon dust and pixie farts.

My wife and I started with saving $1 a day. We're up to $10 a day. $300 a month, $6,000+ in savings. No payments besides our Mortgage and utilities, and we make a double payment on our mortgage every other month. Our friends think we're crazy, but when we've payed our mortgage off and they still haven't bought a

I'm a jeans and t-shirt/button down guy myself. I've been fortunate to this point in not regretting past clothing choices.

In 2020? I laugh about them today!

It's a bad ad. They aren't knocking Xbox Live or any actual product that Microsoft has released. They're mocking a bad ad.