Writer. I don't know that he's ever directed.
Writer. I don't know that he's ever directed.
Ooooh. I'll be watching this. No doubt. Very interested to see how this and Arrested Development work out.
Fine, I'll bite? What did I lie about? What am I making up? You tell me. Give me a specific example of something I lied about? You have yet to actually point out a lie I've told. You can't find one because I'm not lying. Nothing I've said is a lie. Every app I've talked about exists and functions in exactly the way…
I'm going to choose to believe that no human being is as willfully ignorant as you are acting. You obviously deriving some amount of joy from acting like an emotionally stunted twelve year old, but as much I like making other people happy, I'm not interested in trying to rebut non-arguments with reasoned response. I'm…
Also, what am I not getting done with my iPad "by my own admission"?
Whatever. You're obviously either a troll or severely handicapped. Possibly both.
Do you have an attic or crawl space? I've put my homemade antenna in my attic, live 45 miles from Houston, and get all the major networks.
For $2.50 cents I made one out of a CD case, six binder clips, four paper clips, and a $1.00 matching transformer that I bought at a yard sale. I live 45 miles from Houston and pickup 56 channels. All the major networks, PBS, a couple of kids networks, and a million Spanish channels. Took me six minutes to put…
You mean like "scuffgate" for the iPhone 5?
Don't forget to make this a stand alone comment and not just a reply.
Glad to see I'm not the only one.
VOTE: I absolutely love my Klipsch S4s. They're very well balanced, and good for a broad range of music.
You seem to be mistaken about a few things. Specifically about only being able to pay for apps. I have plenty of quality apps that are free. From the App Store.
"How did plugging that USB keyboard into your iPad workout for you (drivers? lol)?"
And only a douchebag would throw around a term like "Appletard". Someone disagreeing with you is no reason to resort to five year old name calling.