And you can still install the plugin. This is just like with Flash not being pre installed. Nothing is preventing you from installing it yourself.
And you can still install the plugin. This is just like with Flash not being pre installed. Nothing is preventing you from installing it yourself.
It was for a friend of mine who had some pretty severe back issues. He has a degenerative joint problem. Carrying a larger, heavier laptop was never an option because of the pain it would cause him. He had tried netbooks, but the keyboards were cramped, and the performance was often horrible. Neither of those are he…
This exactly. My first job was in a McDonalds. If things are run by the book (and I know there are franchises that aren't), it should reflect what's shown in the video. Everything, down to the salting, is a part of a distinct flavor profile that people expect from location to location.
I agree. Denisof is such a good actor. I'd honestly forgotten the changes his character went through until I rematches Buffy and Angel this summer and saw it step by step.
Since one inch has become the gold standard.
No problem. Just making sure I wasn't missing something.
I had no clue that happened. Nerd rage is rising up a bit.
Wow, they are coming in fairly competative. I wasn't sure what to expect. Maybe this will make the tablet market a little more interesting.
We had trouble with streaming when we were on AT&T, but the moment we switched to our local provider we haven't had a single drop out. That's with the "same" speeds.
And this would cost me about two bucks and five minutes of my time. Less than $6.
Ambiguous? Do you mean ubiquitous?
And the MSN music store.
But this is lifehacker. It's about DIY, tweaks that you might not have thought of, hacky ways to do things... That's the whole point of the site. Why does every article seem to contain someone saying "or you could just buy something".
It's dumb fun. The video is ridiculous/hilarious, the music is hooky, and the lyrics hardly matter because they're in a language that many in our country don't speak.
Yeah, ebay or craigslist are your best bet. Gazelle will give you $50.
Can not be unseen.
The first party cable is $19.00. According to this article the third party cable is $20. I'm not sure how this is a better deal or supports your statement about a 2000% mark up.
*Spit Take*
The parts of the rover at the top of the image are the closest to the ground. They are in pretty solid focus. The ground is in sharp focus. The elements of the rover on the bottom left are the next closest to the ground. They are more out of focus than the scoop/arm, but in better focus than the elements to the bottom…
I don't think specs have too much to do with the market share. Maybe screen size and camera specs, but your average person buying a cell phone can't tell you what processor is in any cell phone on the market. I'd say the article is spot on in one regard, price is the biggest factor that everyone can see and understand.