Come now, all the hipsters have moved on to improvised hipster PDAs made out of hemp paper and bound by thread made from belly button lint.
Come now, all the hipsters have moved on to improvised hipster PDAs made out of hemp paper and bound by thread made from belly button lint.
Are we appealing to Wargames as an accurate example of early 80's technology? Also, what does the CD have to do with any of this?
You're right. That's obviously what he was talking about when he said mobile computing. /s
He can also set the lock. Then she'd have to try and guess how to unlock it. MILs... Evil.
It has a built in lithium battery that charges over the low-voltage wires used for home thermostats. It connects to our home wifi network and communicates to the apps on phones/tablets/computers over the internet.
I have. Every control you have at home is available from the app.
It's over our previous programmable thermostat. I'd say the primary saving over the old one are the unanticipated times that we are away from home outside of our regular schedule. Auto away is a really handy feature, and I'm interested n seeing how the tweaks they've made impact that.
There are a few ways.
My wife and I bought a Nest a while back. We've seen some fairly substantial drops in our electric bill, and really like the remote features. It was also very easy to install.
Documents I'm currently working on are always stuck in my dock. I prefer this because the dock slides in without me having to minimize Windows.
Man that picture hurts my head. I have three icons on my desktop. Two internal drives and an external. If I need to access something regularly I can find it in spotlight almost instantly.
And in all honesty, I stopped expecting good tech reporting from Giz (and Dan Lyons) ages ago.
Oh, wow... Dan Lyons is writing for you guys now? That's, um, special.
I've been cable free since 2009. I watch most of my content on my Apple TV (iTunes, Netflix, MLB, etc.). Only thing I miss at this point is football, but even that can be covered (mostly) by OTA.
If you're dumb enough to follow directions off a bridge, you might have bigger problems than not having street view.