Christopher Buecheler

Fun fact: I worked for a couple of years at OkCupid when it was in its early stages (employee #4!) and possibly the most-lied about thing on a site that was, by nature of what people were trying to accomplish there, full of lies was guys saying they were 6' tall. I forget the exact numbers but the number of guys

That guy’s pre-lengthening height, 5'7", is listed in second place and I have to admit I wondered if that was on purpose.

Yeh, same. I peaked at 5'11.75" and have shrunk a little in my old age (or maybe that day I was just wearing really thick socks?) and measure 5'11.5" these days. SO CLOSE to being able to say six feet, but never quite there.

and a damn near unstoppable one, at that

Sure. That’s just not a scenario I feel like contemplating.

I found Snowpiercer disappointing on several levels. Fun concept, mediocre execution, terrible ending (and not just the polar bear part, though that was stupid too). Bong Joon-ho’s previous film, The Host, is better. His new one, Parasite, also looks awesome.

My wife and I were forced to have a destination wedding by the following factors:

It’s possible to be successful, industrious, and actually give a shit about other human beings at the same time. You should give it a try.

The next time we get a million or so people to march on Washington (so, probably January 2020-ish when angry senile racist grampa refuses to leave office), we should have them all moon the white house at once.

Yes. And they’ve lost out on multiple free agents in that time for that reason, despite having arguably the most attractive market in the NBA for players. I guess you can argue that LeBron being the one player in the NBA with any legitimate shot of moving from basketball to a media empire a “market” thing, but that’s

I wasn’t grouping the Lakers with the Knicks as “tragically mismanaged” but they’re definitely not a well-run team. The reason LeBron doesn’t give a shit about that as much as some players is because LeBron knows he’s going to be the GM wherever he goes.

Look, I can’t help a place that wants to retain professional sports team while outlawing beer (on tap) over 3.2%.

I’m generally on board with anything that makes it harder for the Lakers to be good, but this is stupid and pointless. We have seen, sorry in advance for this Knicks fans, that market/location is not that important and that players are well aware of when an organization is being tragically mismanaged. You have to have

This is going to get more stars than my initial comment, and I don’t mind because it’s great.

When he gets to 2048, all the base-2 advocates can celebrate.

Outside of the northeast they’re basically unknown in this country. At the height of their popularity, I was living in California and was easily able to catch them in 500-to-1000-person venues while they were headlining gigantic festivals in Canada.

You can, of course, like what you like! I had a lot of friends who were BNL fans but I can’t stand them. I never really measured OLP against them because I didn’t feel like the two bands had anything in common other than “Canadian” which ... I mean, it’s not like we compare Queensryche to Ariana Grande just because

I never liked the guy from Candlebox’s voice (which thus kept me from enjoying The Gracious Few) ... but I’ll acknowledge that the band could rock.

I’d rather listen to nothing than listen to Barenaked Ladies. That “if I had a million dollars” song is one of the worst pieces of music ever recorded by human beings and probably also a few of the other great apes.

Yuuuup. Especially with every movie being like 2:45 these days, trailers are the opportune time to go take a leak. I’ll see trailers for anything I give a shit about on the net long before I see them in a theater.