Chris Bentley

The Bane of Westeros

Could Jamie be on that boat, too?

When those Castlevania muthas took out Jojen it dashed my hopes that their band of wanderers would form some sort of punk band, with Jojen as the Mick Jones to Bran's Joe Strummer. Hodor on drums, obviously.

Anyone else love the bit about handing off leadership at the top of the wall? Every misfit snow/crow gets his moment in the (midnight) sun, once they're faced with imminent death. They wear that glory better than any king, only for a minute and for no recognition other than from their fellow crows

I wonder what StopHodoring thinks about this. I suspect he or she will say something like, "Nodor."

"randomly" is the operative word here

Yeah I would like that, because their rapport is so good and I love watching their scenes. But this show doesn't let things like that last.

That beetle's dead, probably by the wound on his neck, and Arya will be the one to mercy kill him, reluctantly crossing a name off her list. Just my prediction—I haven't read the books

The Eyrie: Lurk central.

YOUR sister! Take that back!



"I'll be your champion."

Those Meereen windows! I was similarly geeked out about that set but bit my tongue so as not to over-nerd the watch party.

Especially when that someone else has taken an egomaniacally long time composing the setting with six spotlights shining.

Didn't he? "No thank you, Mr. Drone" … "Whoever's doing this, no thank you." Or am I just imagining things?

Phrasing! Boom!

I like the comment below about the crew getting mauled by bears, but really, how should the Colbert Report end?

Not to mention that Fiona's new job is off the Lawrence red line stop and the NA meeting her boss said was "up the street" is at UIC

Does she comment here?