Chris Bentley

Did you bring up the fucking "Book of Eli"? No. Just, no.

I agree and am looking forward to his death in the conflicted, surprised-I-have-so-much-sympathy-for-these-characters way that Shameless does better than any show I've seen.

Me, audibly: "Fuuuuuuck."

DJ Davis the Yellow King McAlary

Are you talking about my son, Bort?

Welcome to Rev. Theriot's discount christmas wreaths!

Lone Star tallboys arranged in a spiral pattern.

That brambly wormhole at the site of the Lange murder is the rabbithole Cohle jumped into between 2002 and present day. He's back undercover in the abyss, deep this time, to work the case off-grid.

Seems to me if Fiona's tryst with Robbie was the manifestation of her always seeking out chaos, this episode showed it isn't just her addiction — trouble always finds her, even (especially?) when she's not looking.

Even when it briefly broke from Rust's perspective, following a local running through a house, you knew where Rust was, roughly, and why and it just adds to the immediacy of the swirling chaos.

Was a time when commenters didn't air their bullshit to the world. It wasn't part of the job.

Just rewatched that scene to check your theory out. I think it's just the machete man starting his walk, but I'm all for supernatural creeping in.

Baton Rouge 666

That slow pan over the fucked-up garden of eden Mr. Gasmask has hunkered into certainly said as much about what's to come as his tattoos and machete.

A man who knows who he is.

Well said, Anus.

This comment is the next logical step for you!

Re: (2) I think it was just to say for all Gov's professed "philosophy" of surviving at all costs, the prison assault ultimately boiled down to a grudge. He wasn't psychologically removed, or moved on from the loss of his family and Woodbury — it was just repressed. Still a psycho. Had to hack that corpse the same way

Kid Charlemagne - Steely Dan