Chris Bentley

Ah yes, and now that I've read down in these comments, I'm sold. We've figured it out, everybody. Time to go home.

This is a good theory, but then why does Teddy have Dolores' memories?

It was a cat love story all along!

Watching Nathan assemble that calzone cadaver was truly disturbing, and I think was as overt a signal as we've gotten that the character's basically a sociopath.

Yeah, it was just … so goddamned bleak.

Does it make any sense?

You really should get it on BlueTube.

Welcome to Kermit's! Please don't hurt me.

via a wormhole between Langley and Islamabad

Upvoted for your avatar. SPANK-A-LEE

I like the repetition / evolution of the things characters tell themselves and others about why they do what they do. Commodore, morally bankrupt though he is, may well be interrogating every successful person on this show when he asks if you are always just who you "need" to be at any given time, then who the hell

OH MAN you're right. That other guy never kept receipts, though

I thought it also gave Chalky an out, thematically. Even if he's realized there's no way to be free, he can pass on the hope he once had to Daughter's daughter. Maybe makes amends in a minor way for abandoning his own family. As Narcisse says, best you can do is believe someone worthy gets away better off for what


Headline SEO level: pro

And his hair was perfect!


Chrimbus in July!

You just said it again

Shaq's gone, you guys. On October 14, everyone went to the world of Shaq Fu and if more than 140 million are needed to defeat that mummy guy then they'll be summoned.