Chris Baskind

A cliffhanger is a possibility. But I hope we have more resolution.

This is all quite good. I knew the pilgrim costumes were authentic but didn't know the detail about the shell. Hirst is *really* setting the background for the next generation of characters. I think they'll be adults in Season 5, which will signal the Great Heathen Army and move a lot of the show to England. Vikings

I expect him to be moved offstage by the end of Season 4, but I think he has to survive to found Normandy. As you pointed out elsewhere, Hirst is taking real liberties with the historical characters. I'm not sure he can go far enough to kill Rollo at Paris.

I think Ragnar will lose, but survive — though not as king. Rollo must neutralize him as a threat to Paris so he can go claim his lands in the future Normandy. I don't expect Ragnar to die under the walls of Paris, so something interesting must be in the offing …

So place yer bets, place yer bets! How much resolution will we get with the big Ragnar/Rollo showdown in Episode 10? It looks like the brothers will finally come to blows. Will either die? Who will win? Will it be a gods-awful Walking Dead-style cliffhanger, or will the decks be cleared for a huge time jump in Episode

While I'd hate to see Linus Roache depart, the solution is to kill-off Ecbert soonest so Aethelwulf can succeed him. I think this is where they're going, anyway.

The timeline is also a mess back in Wessex, though less so with Kwenthrith retired from the stage.

Yup, he will save England with it. That's the *real* Excalibur. Actually my favorite part of the episode.

You were right about cold turkey. Looks like he's keeping the last one for a berzerk.

Aslaug runs a crappy daycare.

Excellent guess! The trailer spoiler was Erlander's death. As Tovi approaches Bjorn, who has his back to the river, the blood is on the left side of her mouth. When she looses the crossbow, the same blood is on the right. They'd reversed the video to make it look as if she was aiming at Bjorn when she'd obviously

Someone must have seen a preview of the episode and mistook baby Siggy's body for Yidu's.

Good call.

One death is strongly hinted by the promo, but I've been hesitant to spoil. It's there for people who just really wanna know. Speaking of the promo, I want to know why Lagertha looks like hell right at the end. As if something really bad happened.

I'd be wrong about Hirst killing-off Yidu because the character had dead-ended. But I doubt the reports of resurrection. Guess we'll see. :-)

Maybe a flashback? I really doubt this report.

No, but I'd be surprised if this turns out to be true. And very pleased I was wrong about Yidu's character arc.

BTW, I've seen an article suggesting Yidu isn't dead, which would blow my failed character theory to pieces. Hirst has surprised me before. :-)

Hirst is writing alone, as far as I can tell. It's very impressive, and I'm a fan. But a lot of fiction writers say characters do unexpected things once they're living in the writer's head, and without the structure of a writing team, I think that's what happened here. If I were to interview Hirst, I'd ask about this.

I'm gonna rewatch the fight before Episode 9. The terrain was pretty swampy. Still … not very good crossbows. No infantry cover. The Vikings had a bad day not to win that one. ;-)