Chris Azure

Are those kids CGI, too? Because that little girl could be a spokesperson for the uncanny valley. (If, you know, the Uncanny Valley were a brand of salad dressings or something.) Maybe it’s easier to just CGI kids now that to deal with the hassle of child actors. Especially if you are Tim Burton and mainly interested

Aw ghee, you should clarify that comment.

She should be drawn and buttered.

6. Carry a Small Thermometer: I keep a small thermometer in my home office that measures temperature and humidity, and it helps me figure out what temperature ranges I feel comfortable before I have to turn the heat/AC on.

It’s small, foldable, and adapts to changes in temperature pretty quickly. You can easily fit it

The best thing about The Dark Knight is it’s scope. It’s incredible. Nolan was inspired by Heat, but I think he surpasses that film in terms of scale. Gotham city is a sprawling metropolis, and also feels completely claustrophobic.

My issue with the Keaton Batman films, and Batman Begins to an extent, is that large

For some weird reason I want the Millennium reboot to exist in the Mr. Robot universe.