Chris Azure

He isn’t smart

To be fair, the Kardashians  don’t exactly expect you to celebrate them for their genius. I was thinking more along the lines of Musk and Zuckerberg.

You caught me, I clearly loathe this TV show I have written 25,000 words about and given uniformly high scores to.

And cast Margot Robbie as Sharon Tate

and all these Australian actors pretending to be Americans”

The entire world is absolutely filthy. A roll from someone else’s basket is nothing.

Then why put your uninformed 2¢ in, muchless comment on the article in general. Go drink something herbal and caffeine free and just stop.

Now playing

The book has already been turned into a film, a scene from which has been leaked on the internet:

The Last Jedi landed an A Cinemascore, something even recent Marvel movies haven’t managed. General audiences liked it quite a bit and shouldn’t be confused for whiny internet trolls. 

Moana not in the top 5, let alone 10, let alone 20? GTFO

Plus...on what freaking planet is live-action 101 Dalmations better than Toy Story 3, which reduced most people to emotional wrecks??

You know you don’t have to watch them right?  Or are you just being edgy to gain points with the “cool” kids

“A racist rapist sounds worse than a regular rapist when u first hear it, but it’s actually better cause less people get raped”

Aryan vs. Predator.

I wouldn’t Grantham parole either.

He said shiv, not shank.

lol leave her alone? how about she leaves us Queers alone. There is nothing radical about queer rights, they are simply human rights the same as any other human right. She can say what she wants, but people are entitled to say things back. Things are regressing really quickly for Gender Affirmation both in the UK and

I wonder how Captain Britain will play once Scotland becomes independent.

You suck, Sam.

Because some of those comments are pending, & you have to click the “Pending” button to see them as well.