Chrisandra the Great

I love it how the episode managed to delibarately hit all the clichés of an awkward sex comedy yet be totally and genuinely adorable at the same time. I think the sword joke was a little bit too on the nose, but the rest of didn't cross the thin line between a knowing wink at the pop-literate audience and an

One thing I really enjoy about Austin Powers is that it's a comedy film with a strong, distinct aesthetic of its own. As an honest Bond parody, its style is obviously highly deriative, and it's essentially a summation of what the 1990's mistook the 1960's for, yet there's still something very original about it. Austin

Banning discussion. Yep. That'll keep those pesky kids from thinking about the series & surely demystifies it. [/glaring sarcasm]

So. They just watched The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus and decided to cast all available Tonys?

So far, I've liked the story in these new episodes, and the action sequences are still as creative and exciting as ever, but I have to say that the character designs, the lighting, the backrounds, and the visual storytelling in general aren't quite as sharp and striking as they used to be. The show still looks good,

Eh, I might be in a minority, but I think it's better this way. Mulan doesn't have many songs to begin with, and I personally don't think that the movie owes any crucial part of its appeal to the music. Granted, "I'll Make a Man Out of You" is among the catchiest of all Disney tunes and one of the most entertaining

This was an interesting read. I've always wondered how Beauty and the Beast measures up without the nostalgia value, but it's very difficult to find anyone who hasn't become exposed to the movie in their childhood.

Three perfect sitcom entrances and a glorious exit! Also, the silent struggle on the dad's face is hilarious. Accidental yet flawless comedic performances from the whole family, bravo.


Eh, it was a moderately thrilling ride - a ride full of dumb, way too convenient plot twists that stretched my willing suspension of disbelief way too much, but a ride anyway. I certainly liked it better than the first episode of this season, which had an uninteresting plot an an upsettingly clichéd ending, and I

Generally, I liked this movie, and it was mostly because of the characters. The cast was great, and I found myself rooting for the characters up to the point that I became completely oblivious to all the narrative cues that signaled that they were all going to die. I genuinely wanted them all the live, so every time

Is this where I finally get to say that Negan was not worth all the hype? I am incredibly underwhelmed.

I'm still very impressed with the way Jessica Jones dealt with the
subject of rape. It was a very nuanced, thorough look at surviving rape, and it did a great job with getting the point of consent across.
Her rapist seems to think that wining and dining her, surrounding her
with luxury, and saying that he "loves" her

Yes, I found that incredibly disturbing - not the "horror" aspect of it, but how non-consequential the rape scene was. It was treated with the emotional significance of a jump scare; scary, and ultimately insignificant and unworthy of further inspection. I don't think that anyone even referred to the character during

I never got into the Harry Potter movies, even though the books played a very important part in my geeky childhood. I thought the movies were aesthetically pleasing, and the casting of the adult roles was spot-on, but other than that the movies never managed to be anything more than mildly amusing to me. None of the

After all these years, Beauty And The Beast is still unironically my favourite movie of all times. It was a childhood favourite that I used to watch so often that I've come to memorize every line, and yet my affection of it goes way beyond mere nostalgia. It's simply a spectacular movie in every aspect, and the grumpy

I'd rather see a live-action X-Men television series, to be honest. Not as something similar to those hokey DC superhero series, but as a series that would take its premise just seriously enough to warrant quality writing.

Such a lovely episode. I do like the bleak nihilism of the average Black Mirror episode, but it was wonderful to see a happy story for a change. I kept waiting for the inevitable dark twist, and I was pleasantly surprised that it never came. It did refer to the potentially sinister implications of the speculative

It's amazing how fast my interest in this show dropped. It used to be one of the very few shows I watched on TV religiously, but all the emotional investment I had in the series ran dry during the previous season. The first two or three episodes were good, but it went downhill from there. The show seems to be more

Perfect casting. Just perfect.