Together, they fight crime.
Together, they fight crime.
I do remember having that same response to critics as a kid. If there was an intellectual property I was very attached to, I would have an emotional reaction to bad reviews about it, and I remember instantly thinking that the critic was being mean or just wrong.
I've never understood these weird emotional reactions some people have to film reviews they disagree with. Do the people who launch petitions like this live in some artistic utopia where the opinons of professional critics actually impact summer blockbusters in a meaningful way? A movie like Suicide Squad doesn't need…
I've never really understood why Wild Wild West is so universally hated. I get it that it's a bad movie full of lame jokes, noisy action sequences and the kind of caricature acting one can expect from a movie that features a giant steam-driven spider and Kevin Kline in drag, but I just can't see how it's any different…
I never believed that Sandor Clegane was dead; his death scene would have been more conclusive if they had really wanted to kill him off. But that doesn't make his return any less satisying for me. Good old Artist Formerly Known As The Hound, your laconic humour and apt descriptions of artistocracy have been sorely…
My opinion about the optimism and pessimism of these series is the opposite. While both are definitely cynical in their depictions of the inherent brutality of humanity, GoT seems to veered towards a worldview that rewards honour and decency in the grander scheme.
I don't agree with this interpretation of Margaery's actions. I don't think she is brainwashed, or that she betrayed Loras to save her own skin. I think she's doing what she's always been doing very well: playing the part the men of power around her want her to play to aquire a position of power for herself. That's…
Come on, that's not fair. It's not his fault that Ramsay is being written like a cartoon character. Doesn't feel right to extend the frustration caused by unimaginative writing in GoT to Rheon's completely unrelated music career.
I remembered that shot of Sansa, Brienne, and Pod entering a snowy castle from the trailer of this episode, and yet I was completely surprised to see them arrive at Castle Black and Sansa being reunited with Jon Snow. It never once occured to me that they would actually be getting there (I assumed they would end up in…
To be fair, the second season wasn't any good. Agent Carter's first season was all kinds of cool and swanky, but the second season was one big MacGuffin ride with few highlights. It wasn't terrible, but the quality of storytelling definitely took a nosedive there. It became repetitive and uninspired, and it made a…
Yeah, I thought the Dorothy/Red plotline in OUAT was cute and progressive, but it also reeked of franchise protection. The show had been teasing a Mulan/Red romance for a while, and it had been ambiguously suggesting that Mulan was either bi or a lesbian since her introduction, but the show always kept Mulan's sexual…
It breaks my heart to say this, but this is the one rare exception of a TV-series that definitely wasn't improved by the addition of ninja assasins. These last few episodes of Daredevil were definitely much weaker than the first half of season 2 because the Black Sky plotline with Stick and the Hand are so much less…
I think this show would have been a great deal more interesting if John Doe wouldn't have automatically known how to use all the information he had to his advantage. Knowing everything about physics doesn't mean that one could tell the exact weight and height of a suspect just by taking a quick glance at a footprint.…
Boy, that was one swift subplot massacre they did there. Looks like they responded very well to the general opinion that the Dorne storyline of season 5 was pretty weak.
I have a feeling that an American version of Misfits just can't work. One of the fundamental ideas of the original show was to take the distinctly American superhero squad premise and make a distinctly British version of it. Importing that idea back to American won't necessarily work, unless they're ready to make some…
I think Nicole Beharie was too good an actress for a show this bad, and I'm glad she's now free to pursue roles that are worth her talent. There has got to be something better out there for her.
Why make a movie instead of a series? That's my one complaint. I always thought that Death Note is good enough to warrant numerous adaptations, and I was actually looking forward to an American take on the story. But I don't think that the narrative can be compressed in a movie in any satisfying way. The Japanese…
To be fair, I'm pretty sure every memorable zombie narrative since "The Night of the Living Dead" has made this exact same point - that living people are the greatest threat to other living people, even in a world overrun by walking, flesh-eating corpses. I can't remember a single profilic zombie narrative that…
While it's great that "plus-size women" - both women who actually wear plus-size clothes, and the average women who are mislead into thinking they're plus-size by issues like this - get positive representation in the media, I hate condescending "special issues" like this one. Not only are they otherisizing the bodies…
This is one of the Flight of the Conchords songs that is infinitely funnier when performed live. I had seen the HBO special just before their scripted series started, so I may be a little bit biased - the first time seeing it is naturally always the funniest - but I think the absurdity performance benefits from the…