Chrisandra the Great

I just saw mother! and it still baffles me that it got such a wide release. I enjoyed it (though I’m probably going to have to rewatch it before making up my mind about just how good I think it is) but it definitely lacks the mainstream appeal required to fill all those seats. Without trying to underestimate the

I’m still unsure how much I appreciate this movie, and I think I’m going to have to rewatch it some day to make up my mind. For now, I kinda liked it.

There was something fascinating about how overflowing the Christian allegory was. Halfway through the movie, I was rolling my eyes because the Biblical references

To be honest, a “modern day” GoT wouldn’t be to bad an idea for one of those spin-offs.

It’s hard to imagine that any of the potential spin-offs could be as intriguing as the original series if they take place in the past; knowing what the future brings would automatically water down the suspense, unless the said

While this has to be the most satisfying death I could have hoped for this character, I’m kind of sad that he’s gone because gosh darnit I love Littlefinger so much. He’s a horrible person but a terrific character. While I pretty much expected him to die here, a part of me was hoping that he would somehow weasel his

The finale was solid, but all in all this was probably my least favourite season of Game of Thrones. The decreased number of episodes, the frantic pacing, unpredictable and downright conventional plot, dumb character decisions, and the complete disregard of things like travel time and reason really crippled the

I'm genuinely wondering whether he's lying just to avoid having to say his honest opinion on the awkwardly bad writing in Season 7, particularly in the latest episode (it's very hard for me to imagine that he hasn't watched the new episodes). Martin isn't a perfect writer, but the stoop in quality in the latest season

I agree. Besides Dinklage, I think both of the actors have a terrific chemistry with lots of other actors but not with each other, at least not in the romantic sense. Even the brief flirtatious exchange Daenerys and Yara was more sizzling than anything Daenerys and Jon have had so far. There's still a chance that the

Oh boy. I don't think I can forgive this episode for being so, so dumb.

Exactly. I think Jessica Jones was simply terrific, but it seemed to run out of plot halfway through and ended up having several filler episodes before hitting the sweet spot again with that season finale. Luke Cage was also brilliant up to the point it suddenly swapped its compelling main antagonist for a silly

I think the fast pace watered down much of the emotional impact in a lot of scenes of this episode. The Tyrion & Jaime and the Jorah & Daenerys reunions didn't get the attention they deserved, and thus both of them felt anticlimactic; Jaime and Tyrion barely got a chance to talk, and Jorah and Daenerys didn't even get

I did enjoy this episode, but I felt like the pacing was a little bit off in a lot of scenes.

To me, his cameo was a little bit too on the "nudge nudge, wink wink" side.

Oh yes. That was the only episode in the last two seasons I really enjoyed.

I agree that Rudy became much more likable when he became the central character, but I didn't think he was ever likable enough to save the show from the wretched writing in seasons 4 and 5. In my opinion, neither the stories nor the plots were any good in those later seasons, and the new characters were either

I don't want to pan this show before it's even out, but I am wondering how they're going to pull this off without making it seem like any other supernatural teen show on TV.

I agree that the finale was all manner of foreseeable, and I also think that it was a fitting ending for the series.

I'm cautiously OK with Kylo, even though it refers to an incompetent villain; it's so close to Kyle that it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb.


To be honest, I never thought that OUAT was a good show, but I still hate-watched at least four seasons of it before I fed up with its dumb plot and constant u-turns. I haven't watched the latest season at all, but I occasionally tuned in on the ones before it just to keep up with Rumple's storyline. Robert Carlyle's

I think Coco is one of the most complex female characters I've seen on TV in years. She was already interesting in the movie, but I think the series version made her even more nuanced and vivid than before. I was super impressed with this episode.