
Counterpoint: Milk is delicious.

"For the latter, sword-fan Jamie took a stab at slicing fruit thrown to him by jugglers with a samurai sword."

Email - now you can send interoffice memos at the speed of light, and accidentally send d*ck jokes to your entire company! And just try backing it up!

"If there's one thing the history of the Internet has taught us, it's that memes will not be contained. Memes break free. They expand to new territories. They crash through barriers. Painfully, maybe even.. dangerously, but and...well, there it is.

I'm simply saying that memes - - find a way."

"Which one of these buttons calls your mom to come and pick you up?"

Chris Hardwick is that you?

"Star Wars: We're Too Old For This Shit"

Great read, sir.

Very well written article Alan and I can certainly understand your feelings - I was at Daytona when Earnhardt died and I remember being happy for Waltrip and Jr. It wasn't until I got back to where I was staying that we found out the news.

If it weren't for the horse, Jesus wouldn't have spent that year in college.

I think ultimately Zola *will* be revealed as the Clairvoyant, but Coulson and crew don't know about him, the bunker, or the "Algorithm" (which probably becomes Ultron, or is tied to, as many have theorized) so for Coulson the only logical thinking is that Garrett is the big bad.

This is the kind of episode I've been waiting for. The connection to the movies is finally paying off and in spades at that. I hope enough people had the sense to either postpone watching this episode or make especially sure to see Winter Soldier this last weekend because this episode spoiled pretty much the entire

When did every R/C Helicopter suddenly become an autonomous, self-aware drone out for blood?

The correct answer is Joey fucking Slotnick

Well at least he filmed in landscape mode and not portrait....

I said come on aaashkahgskjghslkjdghsdf, I said come on aaashkahgskjghslkjdghsdf.

I was gonna go rationallytalktomyhusbandabouthisloveofNascarandmaybeseeamentalhealthspecialistaboutthevoicesIkeephearinginmyhead,

That would only pertain to the more decayed zombies, fresher ones would still retain their sight. While one on one you could probably make that determination, it would be harder to tell with a group/herd and it would only take one fresh zombie for you to be in trouble.