
Unfortunately, they’d still find an excuse. This all comes down to money and these established programs have 100+ years of booster money and “prestige” that UCF can never match. It’s old money versus new money and the CFP committee is staunchly in the corner of old money and will do everything they can to protect the

The problem there is, that throws off the fuel calculations for the teams and could add a fair amount of laps that aren’t counted. That will also add to the overall race length in time.

I don’t mind the idea of stages and awarding of points, but get rid of the caution at the end of them and that’ll be a good balance.

I think you meant promoted with pay raise - this is the same Texas that just voted to remove female and minority historical figures from text books “because kids have too many historical figures they have to learn about”, but don’t worry, they still get to learn about Jesus and Moses!

Don’t give them any ideas!

If you want a cat that’s more dog like, go for a Maine Coon; they are giant, chill, fluffy cuddle monsters that will follow you pretty much where ever you go in your house

There was nothing in Al Capone’s vault
But it wasn’t Geraldo’s fault.”

Both of my stories happened to the same vehicle, my first - a 1994 Jeep Cherokee Sport.

Unless you are only a few steps behind me or are carrying two arms full of stuff, you get no door hold from me. Same goes with the elevator

I think we can all agree that Nickelodeon back in the day had some killer final stages for kids games:

I just wish the AutoTrain was more affordable and didn’t stop just south of DC during morning rush hour or I would take that every single time I had to go home to PA during Christmas

I’m from Chambersburg living in Orlando now, but I visit for the holidays. I’ll have to check it out, can’t believe I’ve never heard of it!

That’s good info to card in my dashcam died just a few days ago (pretty sure it was a Sandisk Ultra) and I was going to buy this as a replacement and format it using a utility I found that allows FAT32 formatting of these larger cards.

That’s good info to card in my dashcam died just a few days ago (pretty sure it was a Sandisk Ultra) and

Kate, thank you for having the courage to make point #1! I am so tired of the over abundance of IPAs bars and breweries think they need to have.

Thinking of picking one up as the local Wal-Mart shows a fair amount in stock.

Eliminating fish gets rid of sushi and I don’t want to live in that world. I think I’d have to give up chicken as weird as that sounds.  I thought it would be pork and then I was like shit, bacon is pork!

This man is most definitely a cereal killer

A few things stand out to me:

This is just pure #FakeNews...we all know UCF is the real National Champion

Getting duped into trying the Beverly is a right of passage! The funniest thing to watch is someone who just got duped try and dupe someone else and so on and so on