
RE: Shaving

Ditto - they fixed the car as best they could and it was able to keep speed half decently. I was listening to his scanner and Fedewa never said anything about the wreck ahead, I think he later said he was checking with NASCAR to see if they had cleared the minimum speed to get off the 5 minute clock when it all went

This happened a few years ago just before Christmas. I was home visiting family in PA and on way back from my dad’s house out in the boonies/mountains - it’s a literal log cabin that used to be a speakeasy. It’s pretty late and I’m going just over the speed limit on the look out for deer. All of a sudden a car comes

I love my ‘14 Ford Fusion, but the massive A pillars make for some interesting head and body motions while driving to insure I don’t splatter a pedestrian or pull out in front of another car.

Haha, just ex-gf thank god!

But math is hard! This is a legit conversation I had with my ex:

I’ve hear tale that Dear Leader can sink puts from the tee box on a Par 5, but he only does it when no ones around so he doesn’t make pro golfers feel bad. What a great guy!

“Strap on your skates, Gordie, you’re goin’ in.”

I would like to subscribe to your newsletter good sir - that sounds amazingly good

These are probably the same people that leave their shopping carts in the middle of parking lots instead of taking them to the cart corals

Later luncher here as well. I do it for two reasons:

Fuuuuck....I made the mistake of going to his twitter to read the hate and saw that Topps gave him his own baseball card - Jesus Topps, like this guy isn’t the worst already

So with the store robbery are we talking I can wipe this place clean down to the shelves if I wanted? An outdoor store like Gander Mountain or Bass Pro for sure then - Survival supplies, guns, ammo, clothes - its the perfect place to stock up for the inevitable apocalypse lol

Especially when you’re the only one in the car

Really? Growing up in rural-ish PA salt and vinegar fries were all the rage

Totally agree! I’ve been burned by that so many times it’s not even funny. Most of my long road trips requiring several stops have been by myself so it’s not like I can have the passenger look it up

I kinda wish they’d list this on the mainline sign as well, especially for more rural exits where there’s only 1 or a few listed. Would take the guessing game out of it

I found that a lot of women had “No Trump voters” or conversly “I voted for Trump” in their profiles - it seems to currently be the best right/left swipe indicator out there for them...well other than a dude’s height

I like to bone to the Howard the Duck LP...that’s normal right? Right?

January 2000; I had convinced my college roommates that it would be an awesome idea to ride from Daytona to Walt Disney World to the see what would end up being the last Indycar race at the “Mickyard”.