
Agreed 100%... I really don’t think Xhaka is suited for the league. 

Arsenal fans, probably because they are unfamiliar with managerial change, have yet to fully turn on the manager, and instead have made Xhaka—a damn good player whom Emery does no favors with the team’s playing style and line-up decisions—the focus of their ire. The players, however, are less blind and reportedly are

I’m not sure what Arsenal fans you talk to, but I’m very certain that the vast, vast majority of the fanbase wants Emery gone.

Man that was such a good movie for what it was. He was a great Dredd. It’s too bad the movie bombed and we didn’t get more. 

But why would Dolphins fans be burning Charlotte Hornets jackets?

See this needs to be the key distinction. No one thinks that the Browns or Lions were trying to lose. Oh no, they were trying to win and still went 0-16. That takes a far more convincing degree of bad. Having the head coach in on it and running vanilla stuff that opposing teams can spot, limiting what’s installed

Also: Trump doesn’t need ammo. As you said, he’ll invent whatever insults/misinformation he needs, no matter who the candidate is. Whoever is standing at the lectern across from him is going to get a bunch of shit thrown at ’em.

We’ve had two teams - Detroit Lions, Cleveland Browns - go 0-16 in a season and the Browns just recently pulled off a 1-31 two-year stinkfest. I was going to jump in with the worst ever team - the 1976-77 Tampa Bay Buccaneers, ah the Yucs - but you said no expansion teams so they miss the cut.

The idea that shit-talking a candidate during a primary harms them in the general was probably never very true, and most assuredly isn’t true at all now. The overwhelming majority of people in this country know who they will vote for next November based solely on the letter by their name. Modern American elections are

I bet he used to pull this shit all the time with that robot in SpaceCamp.

I’m tell you, the only one I feel bad for in all of this is Tom Holland. It’s like a reverse Harry Potter with the guy. He was living it up at Hogwarts having a good time with all his new friends, then he has to go back and live in the Dursley’s glory hole.

Toronto Blue Jays GM Ross Atkins stood in front of the assembled press and boasted that his team had “turned 14 years of control into 42 years of control,”

Avengers: The Search For More Money

On your gravestone

The Captain America movies are hands down my favorite Marvel movies. Chris Evans is Captain America and there isn’t anybody that could replace him.

I’m sure people will start walking out waaaay before an intermission is needed.

There was a fairly bright spot called The Rock, but it was 20 years ago.

Ego is a living planet who is able to manifest himself in different ways ... such as Kurt Russell.

Come on, this is too easy, most of them are in this picture:

I’ve never called an elected representative in my life. I just did. I expected to have to leave a voicemail, but someone picked up on the first ring! This caught me off guard, so I stammered my way through what I wanted to say about the last couple of weeks, especially this weekend. Who knows if the congressperson I