
*Pushes up glasses* Um actually, knights of catarina are recurring, but Siegmeyer was not. :)

In a world of untrustworthy characters, he’s one of the few who genuinely is just a guy who needs your help, and he’s appreciative. He’ll even try to make a last stand to cover your escape, if you let him.

“For anyone not making it to the show, there will be limited quantities of the 1/6 scale (37cm) statue made available for regular retail distribution.”

It’s like a three line article and you only bothered to read one of them.

The title should be “Tekken 7 Winner is a Loser.”

No you’re right, something running “too fast” because of an increased framerate was pretty common back in the day (look at the old consoles for instance). It all comes down to if things in the game are frame based or time based. Almost everything is done time based now (check how much time has elapsed since the

Ehh. So listen, I’ve been building gaming computers for at least 15 years. Back in 2010 I was lazy and bought high-end Dell i7's for myself and my now-wife, and those things lasted six years.

I can promise that I am and will be continuing to follow this closely!

Nothing about the opinions of this expert were illuminating in any respect, especially when the expert is opining on causal mechanisms far outside her area of expertise (i.e., her psychologizing explanation of Green’s kicks).

I look forward to the rational discussion this announcement portends.

They’d get owned, since they don’t have access to a mouse and keyboard. This guy switched to M&K, and since he was already fantastic at the game, he only got better thanks to the better input controls.

Or you could do the math here and see that it make sense and plays out.

This may or may not fall under fair use as a “parody.”

Waste of space console plebs. When will they learn.