“Untrustworthy” I’m fuckin lookin at you Patches.
“Untrustworthy” I’m fuckin lookin at you Patches.
Thank you, I was about to say something but you saved me the work.
I agree, the phrase “flaunt my wealth” comes off kind of wrong, but he could be someone that isn’t exactly a word smith and things don’t exactly come out the way he wants. But to say $90k is “ok” or only “pizza, beer and camry” worthy is a tad ignorant. To those of us making quite a bit less than that, it’s a bit of…
Here’s to hoping they get 20 years
Mmmm I think it’s receiving the criticism it deserves. With a publisher that has as deep of pockets as EA publishing the game and a developer as talented as BioWare making the game, there’s really no excuse for the mediocracy.
But with EA’s track record as of late, I guess I can’t really be surprised on their end.…
EDIT: While reading this I was under the assumption this was done in a Casual match “At the start of a normal match of League of Legends”.
I now realize it may have been done in competitive which would change my argument, but I don’t think it was clearly stated as to what playlist it was in. Any way if it was in a…
Maybe I’m in the minority here. But this just feels...odd to me. I mean, I enjoy watching sports, I’ll watch the Browns, Cavs, sometimes the Indians and occasionally soccer on espngo. I also enjoy watching eSports, mostly Rocket League and occasionally League of Legends. But to watch a video game version of a sport…
Why anyone would bother using a keyboard and mouse on console is beyond me. If you’re gonna do that go out and actually get a PC. Stop trying to give yourself an ego boost because you couldn’t compete using the same hardware as people on that system. Or just stop playing the game all together because even if you made…
Honestly, I already know enough to justify my purchase. After buying my gaming PC I haven’t really had the need/want for a console, mainly because at the end of the day the PS4 and Xbox One are just limited budget PC’s.
But the Switch with the albeit limited info we have was able to convince me that I do want a…
I have a custom built rig and you’re making this pre-built purchase sound a lot worse than it is. Building a custom machine doesn’t cost half the price of a prebuilt, that’s a bit of an exaggeration. I quickly attempted recreating this machine in PC part picker using the cheapest parts I could find and ended up over…
Never used G2A, and based on this, it looks like I never will.
I’m so happy I don’t have to deal with Gamestop any more. Leaving out the obvious badgering for signing up for a card, pre-ordering or wanting to buy anything else. I remember being refused a purchase when I was 19 because I was buying an M game for myself and apparently couldn’t have my brother and his friend (both…
Just let it die already. This was hands down one of the most disappointing games in the last year or so. Only surpassing No Man’s Sky.
Also, EA, if you’re listening, which we all know you never are. Please for the sake of the Battlefront name and all our sanity. Don’t attempt another game. Give the rights to someone…
Well seeing as some professions use strictly Macs and they aren’t going away any time soon. It is actually very beneficial for some to invest in a Mac. I work in Graphic Design and if you don’t own or know how to use a Mac effectively it reflects poorly on you because it is the industry standard and if everyone is on…
The game itself seems like it could appeal to a lot of people and with future features added on it could become something awesome. The game itself with whatever features it has or doesn’t have regardless of if they were promised or not isn’t what really dug this games grave.
A huge opportunity was missed to put the sound bit from “A Knight’s Tale” where Heath Ledger screams “Willlliiiaaaammmm!”
He said it was laugh-cry funny, not cry-laugh funny. Learn the difference you pleb.
It’s lazy design and looks like a last second thought haphazardly tossed on there.