
he must pop a bottle of champers whenever someone engages with one of his culture war buzzword salads in good faith and pulls him out of the greys

3dge of 3morrow

there’s always gonna be a part of me which sees that logo and thinks “Gisney”

i gotta admit, “that wasn’t terrible” barely counts as praise; part of what’s kept me from coming back to mcu content is there’s a lot of other stuff I could watch which would garner such effusive plaudits as “fine,” or “middling.”

thanks for this; Raiders is obviously something special on its own, but Crusade feels like a slightly more polished, roller-coaster version of the same and I love it. 

do you have the beasht in your shights? 

…so no actual facts behind the tantrum. you just cryin

gonna need some year by year numbers to back that up beyond “people bought a vidya game,” chief.

And now he’s dismissing all replies so the paltry stars he gets don’t appear as ratio’d by logic as they are. He’s truly not even worth your thirty seconds.

“Don’t engage” is the best advice because it’s the only way to withhold the one thing these chuds want: attention. This guy stays in the greys until someone engages. Even if you’re not upset and want to spend days and days in a thread righteously dunking on him, his low-effort comment got the desired effect.

sometimes I get the impression that he’s deliberately trying to get a reaction out of people on the internet...

besides the hate crimes and the hate speech? Middlebrow action flicks, mostly redbox stuff.

Seriously, why must repeatedly acting like a sack of shit give a guy a reputation?? don’t happen to be a Paramount exec, Brett?

in hindsight the dancing is the best part of that movie.

feels like it’s a couple revisions away from hitting something; Taxicab Confessions seems like the spine of the article: we jump from the trope Daddio employs and then take a look back at an early reality show which employed said trope. Instead, the article kinda just jumps around with different examples and reads

I like the all-at-once release for The Bear because its quality generates buzz enough to sustain a conversation long after the season drops.

I ain’t characterizing this as some grand protest for human rights; you are.

no matter what qualms you have with the system, you much adhere to it

Yep; I was trying to be careful in averring what actually occurred, and you’re right; though the fact that the gun was pointed at someone it had no business being pointed out is...a bit hard to dispute. It seems to me that those other circumstances being in dispute are reason to move ahead with the trial. I was mainly