
I'm a fake person but I haven't faked an SO or my death.

Hah, mindless drones think alike!

The AV Club etc.

You don't know if don't know that.

You don't know if don't know that.

You don't know me.

Taste and decency?

I think many people have said they'll register their account to stop impersonators. We'll know if they post comments on account of them posting comments.

Unfortunately yes. Kinja is nowhere near as fun a Spot.IM.

I'm actually glad this is happening so soon. I've been running around shouting "THE END IS NIGH!!!1!" for the past week and people were just starting to think I was crazy.

That sounds like an excellent idea! But only if they don't pay me.

I have some tough and hard hitting questions I wish to ask of the AVClub.

I usually find a crowbar works best.

That is fun fact!

I didn't really know what was going on through this episode so I spent most of it either confused or trying to remember who everyone is and when I last saw them.

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I don't know


Wait, that isn't part of the cloak?