
That is also how I avoid being a failure. I can't fail if I don't even try.

What I don't understand is how the CEO can be made out of mammary glands?

I got to episode three and I'm not sure if I'm strong enough to watch any more.

Christ I just watched the third episodes. I had to pause at one point because I couldn't keep watching.

Also started watching The Handmaiden's Tale. I had been putting off watching it because the subject matter is maybe a bit too real right now. And it turns out to be even more harrowing than I thought it was going to be. Definitely not a show I can binge.

As I mentioned elsewhere, this week I've been watching Sense8 for the first time. Great show! It's the kind of show where I'd be happy just experiencing the character's ordinary lives, along with their "imaginary" friends providing commentary and the occasional helping hand, lol. I haven't been this excited about a TV

Tony Picasso's sculptures are actually very life like.

Zombies Picasso doesn't make sense. If zombies are decaying corpses then how can their muscles move their limbs? And how could one paint let alone learn how to do plastic surgery?

Picasso died in 1973.

I've an idea for a serialized sitcom. It's about the forbidden love between banana and orangutan. Every day the orangutan has to hilarious fight its nature to keep from eating banana and banana has to hilarious overcome its fear of intimacy with the orangutan. The bedroom jokes alone write themselves. The twist to

Popes are bigger than Jesus right now.

What is it free from anyways?

Are you a wizard? That sounds like magic.

Why can't the computer deal with all this crap for me? I can't be bothered to make up passwords and remember how many exclamation marks I used.

He can't be two things?

The 90's gets weirder every time I hear about it. I'm starting to think old people are just making this shit up.

I like this. It's never going to make sense that the two shows have completely contradictory time travel rules so just hand wave it.

It wasn't her best writing but she only had like a night to write it. That whole episode was rushed tho. And they kinda had to warp Kara and Barry's relationships in order to get them to fit.

A man baby? He was crying about SJWs all the time?

Mon-El died on the way to his home planet.