
Toronto died on the way back to his home planet.

Kelly died on the way back to his home planet.

The AVClub commentariat beat Ken to it ON EVERY FUCKING ARTICLE

Woah that's deep.

The current cast are leaving the show…

Season two was such a disappointment. ☹

Can anyone summarise this? I don't have the attention span to read long lists.


They have The Good Fight s9 that's two shows for your money..

I'm in bed by 10:30.

It was a secret?

Wouldn't it be easier for mothers to lock up O.J.?

You guessed it… Frank Stallone

This guy gets it.

I have an idea for the comments! How about we all quote the Simpsons? Also don't forget to mention that you hate the Simpsons!

How do you even pronounce "eurgh?"

It's too early for kinky GoT fanfic.

Ahh the 90's. When men were orangutans, women were aliens from the planet zog and puppies hadn't been invented yet. I'm glad the internet created that decade.

The what of the what is what!?

Good discussion, thanks.